Bungie's last Halo game, and its one of their best. A prequel to the original game following an event we only heard about, playing as a new spartan on a team of other memorable characters. Gameplay is as amazing as every and this game features the most iconic final mission in any video game.

An indie game turn social phenomenon. Hosting simple game play and a creepy atmosphere, its no wonder this game became as popular as it did. But what was more interesting was the story this game introduced that would continue throughout the series

This game felt like the best sequel to the first game. Taking place before the first game, with new game play mechanics, characters and expanded the story further.

One of the biggest disappointments in gaming, a game with such promise and an amazing concept. But on release the game was lacking so much on release. And the promise of new content was never delivered.

As THE launch game for the Nintendo switch and the next big Zelda game, this doesn't disappoints. With one of the most expansive maps in the game, full of things to do and mystery's to find, there is never a dull moment. The abilities are neat, helpful for exploration and combat. But the story is bare bones and the dungeons are not too great.

My personal favorite entry in the series, love the atmosphere of the game. The gameplay is the best at it actually makes you change cameras, and the lore the game added was great. The only weakness as the jump scares are some of the worst in the series.

Love the designs for the animatronics, the new bedroom setting is a great change for the series. Although all the different modes that eventually come out made this game so difficult to one hundred percent.

As the game to follow the worse of the series, this doesn't do the worst job. The best modern sonic gameplay in the series with the day time levels and some enjoyable night levels. A pratty cool story, an upgrade system and the best graphics in the series, it all makes this a solid title.

A staple of video gaming, an iconic masterpiece that can be enjoyed alone or with friends at any point.

As a portable 3D sonic game, it could have been better. Graphics are good for what it's on, story is the same as the other version, and the level design is a bit bland.

A good 2D sonic platformer and the second game in the series to introduce the boost mechanic. The level design is good, the sailing portions are fun and plenty of content. However I think the game lacks good boss fights and the story is just bare bones, but still fun to play.

One of the best sonic games in the modern era. Great 2D platforming segments and high speed 3D parts. What really impressed me was the use of the new wisps. The variety of wisps and how they were used in levels really made the game feel fresh compared to other sonic games.

As a port, this was a major disappointment. No major graphical upgrades, a buggy launch and little new content. However it is an effective means to enjoy the original game on new gen consoles and pc.

One of the most iconic Zelda and N64 games. Zelda in the 3D space goes hand in hand. This game brought what Link to the Past had and upped it by so much more, making the story a great epic. However, the game does suffer to poorly aged controls and sometimes repetitive combat.