This in my opinion is THE best game of 2023 as well my personal favorite survival horror game. I cant even put into words how much I enjoyed playing this game, playing as the two protagonists, Saga Anderson and Alan Wake through an amazing story full of mystery and horror. This game had one of the most surreal and enjoyable missions I've ever had (The Herald of Darkness concert mission). The gameplay in this game is phenomenal, not only having the regular resource management third person shooter aspect of survival horrors, but the inclusion of the story and plot board I believe was genius. Finally, graphically, this was one of the most amazing games I've ever seen, surpassing all my expectations. I believe that everyone should experience this masterpiece in gaming, as this gem truly is a work of art and one of my favorite games I've ever played.

I great game to celebrate the 20th year of sonic. Bringing back old zones to play as Modern and classic gameplay is an amazing idea. Every Zone spanning the series is iconic enough to celebrate and each modern and classic act of each zone is different from one another. Plenty of side content and the skill ability is a neat idea, however I think the game should have had a few more regular zone levels and more bosses.

This game took what Breath of the Wild had, and brought so much more. The inclusion of the sky islands and the depths made the hyrule in this game feel so much different and more expansive. The new abelites are far better than Breath of the Wilds and the weapon system is far better too with the fuse mechanic. The story is basic, but a fantastic one. Overall, one of the superior games in the series and one of the best switch games to dates.

Another fantastic entry into the series, as the two games combined into one is the peak of sonic's original genesis run. Introducing new franchise staples, like Knuckles and the master emerald, multiple playable characters with their own unique abilities and knuckles having his own story line compared to sonic and tails truly makes this one of sonic's best.

This game is another fresh take on 3D mario platformers. The setting of space and different galaxies gives the game many different and fantastic level design. The movement in this game is great and the new spin mechanic is perfect for combat in this 3D game.

A perfect sequel to the first game, and what I believe the best sequel to any game. Taking the elements of the first game and building of them with new and icon zones built around the game's speed. Along with new mechanics to the franchise such as tails, the spindash and supersonic.

This game took everything that the first game mad and brought so much more. Better Levels, more power ups, more content. This game is a major step up from the original and is superior out of the two.

An all time classic game that created my favorite genre of video games.

The new game of Miles Morales is very fun. Miles plays very different from Peter, as his combat is more based off of his venom powers then his gadgets. I believe that this made the combat better than in the first game. Miles unique swinging animations are great to watch while swinging across the city. This game doesn't have much in length, but I believe it told a good story in the time that it had. However I believe this game lacked in side content and had no icon missions like the first game. But with the inclusion of the new PS5 version of the first game, I believe this is worth it.

A great example of a super hero video game done right. The swinging in this game is amazing, the detailed map of New York City, and great Combat and Stealth truly makes this game a true epic. Wrapped up in a story that built for Spiderman, however the MJ and Miles missions bring the game to a halt with slow and uninspired stealth missions.

As the second 3D mario platformer, this is one of the most unique games in the entire franchise. With a tropical setting for its level, and flood for both platforming and combat makes this game great to play through and enjoy.

This game had some of the best hype from its commercials, and it was the biggest slap to the face to all fans. Having the worst story in the franchise and removing split screen play makes this game fell the worst. The multiplayer was OK, having variety. Other than that, this game could be played, but not again.

As the second DS Zelda Entry, this game parts itself very differently from Hourglass. Having to unique mechanics to the series, Zelda assisting you in combat and puzzles for a majority of the game, as well as the train mechanic for travel. Both are done well and are a breath of fresh air, however the train travelling does get repetitive and the story and combat are lack luster.

This game is full of great characters, a great story and a unique gimmick to the series. The shrinking aspect of the game was done quiet well, integrating it into dungeons and mysteries across the map. However I don't believe this game earns the title of icon such as other entries into the series, further more the story is unique however quiet bogged down at times and the map I believe is not expansive enough for a Zelda game in this era.

Awesome iphone game when I was a kid. But was short compared to future games. Sad to see its off of ios.