This game took everything that the first game mad and brought so much more. Better Levels, more power ups, more content. This game is a major step up from the original and is superior out of the two.

This game had some of the best hype from its commercials, and it was the biggest slap to the face to all fans. Having the worst story in the franchise and removing split screen play makes this game fell the worst. The multiplayer was OK, having variety. Other than that, this game could be played, but not again.

One of these most iconic shooters of all time, the weapons, characters enemies verticals all instant classics due to this game. And with the new updated graphics, this game looks better than ever.

For FREE dlc, this is as good as it gets. Taking elements from the original game and changing the type of game style completely as the dlc plays like Hades. The story of the dlc is amazing and fits the continuation of the base game very well. Did I mention thats its FREE?


An interesting take on this type of genre of game, fun to play but a little buggy and wonky at times.

One of my favorite indie platformers to come out. The style of the game and animation made me fall in love with it. Gameplay is great too. The difficulty of the game wasn't too bad, but I can see it being a challenge for some.

A beautiful Metroid Vania platformer. The graphics and art style of this game were stunning left me amazed about how good it looked. The story is basic but very nice to play though, gameplay is great as platforming through the areas, and with a story that got me a little emotional.

Bringing back the 2D Metroid style games, and this is a beautiful entry. Up there with some of the best of the best metroid-vania games, amazing graphics and awesome gameplay. In my opinion, when of the best games on switch.

A very great story centric game, a story that constantly unravels itself. Amazing characters, setting and atmosphere. The gameplay wasn't the absolute best, but it was fun and posed good challenge. Overall a fantastic game to play and left me excited for more.

The hype for this games release was massive, but on playthrough I can say that this game is not worthy of it. The game has a simple story but the gameplay loop is boring to go through and with no mission variety.

This game took what the 2018 game had, with so much more. A grand story, amazing characters, expansion of gameplay and so much more. I'm confident in saying this game is better than GOW 2018, the only thing holding it back is the slight lack of side content.

A great fresh new start to the series, whole new setting, characters and gameplay. With a story that is oscar worthy. However this game lacks side content and does not have much replay value.

The first portable 3d mario game, and it is quiet good. However, compared to other 3D mario games, this doesn't have that much identity. This game is essentially the elements from the New Super series in a 3D platformer. But the game still has great controls and level design.

This game brought what 3D land had and so much more. Better level design controls, and some of the most unique power ups in the series, such as the cat bell. The multiplayer in this is the best in the series and I say its the best to enjoy the game.