I'm not a fan of turn-based games, but this game really won me over. Looking forward to having Ichiban as the series protagonist.

Good to have kiryu back as the sole protagonist. After the marathons of 4 and 5 it's nice to have a more focused story.

Very bloated game. Also, I swear shinada's character and chapters could've been cut entirely and nothing would be lost from the main story.

Not my favorite yakuza game. I found the new protagonists really annoying (don't worry, I came around on akiyama and saejima in 5) and the narrative is pretty unhinged and bullshit even by yakuza standards.

Underrated game in the series. Definitely clunky if you're playing it after kiwami 2

Probably the weakest entry in the series. It's ok

Legit my favorite game of all time

Definitely the worst of the Fromsoft games and I've never heard a criticism of it that I didn't agree with, but I still really love the game.

Probably has the best first playthrough out of any of the fromsoft games. I think that this game is the limit to how big these games need to be though.

Basically just Nioh in China. The bosses are probably the best they've been in the Team Ninja games, and I really like the parry mechanic. However, the game drags hard in the last half and the enemy variety is pretty subpar. Also, I know the story isn't the big draw to these games, but I was especially uninterested in this game's narrative.

This game fixed my biggest issue with the first Nioh which was the power creep. Really solid Soulslike.