The teacher in chapter 3 is the most underrated character in any yakuza game

IW is by no means perfect. It has a lot of issues. But I don't care. This game is just... man.

The side content in this game is phenomenal. The music is phenomenal. Honolulu was a great setting. As usual, there are tons of great boss fights and dynamic action sequences. The gameplay took 7's combat and turned it into one of the most engaging JRPG battle systems I've played. Poundmates and regular attacks are so much better. Reclassing and jobs have been streamlined signifcantly, making it way easier to utilize a wide variety of skills.

Yeah, the story had times where it wasn’t super engaging, and the antagonists I felt were a bit lacking for the LaD series- but the character moments in this game go so unbelievably hard. This game made me like Ichiban even more than before and he's now one of my favorite characters in fiction ever. Chitose and Tomi were both fantastic, and are in my opinion better than any of 7's party members. Seonhee I was skeptical of first as a party member, but she fit in so well. I loved her interactions with Kiryu and everyone else. I will say, it felt like some of the returning party members weren't given a lot to do and were just kind of there, but their presence still felt natural due to the sheer amount of group interactions the party has via drink links, walk and talks, and table talks.

There were many great moments between the characters over the course of the main story as well. And that ending sequence before the credits rolled is actually one of the best scenes in any piece of media I have ever witnessed. I hate using this word to describe it, because it sounds really pretentious, but it truly was cinema.

Infinite Wealth is an amazing game. If this were the last LaD game, I would be okay with that.

What, you think you're better than me?

This game's OST is so monotonous and repetitive, it was constantly playing in my head for days- and while that kind of sucked, I can't say I've ever experienced something like that with a game before. It truly captures the title of the game and the atmosphere it set out for beautifully. In a way, I actually praise the game for this unironically.

HoD is easily the least fun and most tedious Castlevania I've played.
...But it does not get NEARLY enough appreciation for what it gets right, I feel.

On the surface, it's a mobile, dumbed-down version of SotN, when in fact, it sets itself apart from the other Castlevanias in some ways that I would have never thought of, and I think that's really damn cool.

It's just too bad how unintuitive traversing the castle is, it doesn't really feel good to run around in until the last hour or so.

We are so lucky that this exists for us to play. That is all.

If I rated applications, it'd be easily 5 stars. So many memories with this little software.
(Also way better than its 3DS successor)

dont listen to the haters, this game goes hard

best main antagonist and best characterization of kiryu throughout the whole series.
also this game has rikiya in it. yeah, yakuza 3 is pretty good 😎

Maybe my favorite Pokemon game of all time. It's filled to the brim with so much charm, little details, and secrets. It's always easy to come back and replay Snap every so often- the whole game is just so cozy, and I love it to death.

Snap encapsulates the world of Pokemon like no other Pokemon game ever has.
To me, everything about it is just as magical as it was for me fifteen years ago.

Superhot is a brilliant game with a fantastic gameplay mechanic and meticulously crafted levels bogged down by a narrative that the developer insists is very good and that it should not be skipped.

I get that a lot of people probably really enjoyed the story, and I usually never skip cutscenes in games, but there really should've just been an option to do so included here. I get that it's a short game, but that just makes the story included here feel like unnecessary padding. In my opinion, it supplements the gameplay poorly, and unfortunately, it breaks the pacing of an otherwise really fun experience.

If there were simply an option to play the levels without having to follow a story, I would've enjoyed my experience with Superhot a great deal more. Still a good game, but I'm sad I couldn't enjoy it more.