I've never cried so much at a game before or really in life. The eye detection started popping off like mad because of how hard I was crying just go play it already.

Getting Over It is a misunderstood masterpiece that gushing about would lessen the impact, just go play it.

Not For Broadcast's charm wears off fast, espically when you realise that the game has no stance on anything other then being extremely in the middle on everything.

Only a couple minutes long and thanks to that it feels like looking back on a fond memoray with friends and made feel a lot about my own life that I don't want to share in such a public place. I'm writing this just after finishing and there be tears in my eye.

Cute lil gayme about two outsiders of society finding a home within each other.

Pseudoregalia is a game I enjoyed. yet have mixed feelings on. On paper it is the sickest metroidvania I have ever played due to not feeling like you can't get somewhere due to not having X power up. Yes that is present and some areas require very specific power ups, the fact that all power ups are movement options means sometimes you can get to an area "early" due to using said movement mechanics well.

However I feel the game fails in two key areas, firstly I don't know if I can truly say I was immeresed in anything other than the gameplay, a lot of areas feel more like game worlds than fictional worlds that are lived in, although I can see the emptiness being intenional at least in part, even if it did not land well with me.

The second area is the lack of a map. Yes the world is small enough it is fine enough, but due to the not too memorable settings it can be a chore, espically when I knew where I had to return to, but just could not find it and I did end up looking at a map once or twice online as a result. Another issue I have, although very small is that the game just kinda kicks you back to the main menu after finishing the game without even the end or something to make it feel finished.

A short, but very sweet look at real issues lgbt folk face within Japan and the world, but is never depressing about it, at least not lingeing on it too much. This game made me wish I could hug my monitor it is so comfy cozy.

I have such a love hate relationship with this game, like my favourite jrpg I would never reccomend to anybody lmao.

Everything I disliked about the base game is still here, in fact worse except for one thing, the difficulty. Which I would describe as getting mugged at 11pm after coming out of the cinema, yeah there is stress to the difficulty, but
it feels hard in a poorly designed way and I honestly don’t know if I did anything the intended way. The extra playable characters are barely playable, feel extra janky and slow and just don’t feel right as well.

I swear this is how it feels to read/watch One Piece, 99% filler, but the ending is pretty good.

Just really heccin' adowoble 10 minutes if even.

To set the stage I did not expect to enjoy this as much as I did. I like the more Fire Emblem side of the genre and didn't enjoy Mario + Rabbids that much, but hey like 17 euro for everything in a bundle why not? I also have not played much western games and XCOM is my most western feeling game I ever played.

Even if the game can encourage you to play extremely slow and my fe experience makes me wary of permadeath, I adored the tension these two things create, especially with the sound design of ambient music and alien noises.

XCOM's story leans way more in to vibes then a linear defined experience. It starts with the stark , but let's be honest accurate trope of Earth's nations only being able to come together and set aside their differences only due to an extra-terrestrial threat. It asks us to ponder what it means to be human as you repurpose more and more alien tech etc... and you start to wonder where is the line between human and alien.

Flower in the surface looks like a collectathon, but really collect a lot of thing is not what Flower is about. Flower is not a game, but an experience and that us why it is so great. It is much more like a vibeathon, the music, sound design and visuals are such a treat. Just sit back for two hours and vibe.

A very cute, weird and short horse puzzle game which is also words you can use to describe me. :3