Classic. One of the most legendary games ever. It never gets old.

The best 80's game I have played by far. A nearly perfect game that never gets old!

Just complete the history of the game. It's very good! I love lego games, and this is not getting appart!!! The cuscences are the most funniest parts of the game, and the four movies are equal as great on the game)!

5/13/2022: Just mastered this at 100% with my family. Still the same opinion.

I love how when you throw a shell they fly like an explosion, I mean, it's the most fun I've ever felt in a video game.

The first Kirby game I have played, I remember get this like in 2017 with also my first amiibo, yeah the Kirby one.

Anyways this was a blast! One of the best plataformers I have ever played. It truly gets the idea of a Kirby game, adding an amazing story, great levels, and one of my favourite game soundtracks if not one of my favourite soundtracks of all time. The robot addition is a, while very different from the Kirby theme, connects perfect with the Kirby franchise and is super fun too use.
Overall, this is one of the greatest Kirby games and 3DS games. I haven't played RTDL or Superstar yet, so this is so far my favourite of the franchise.

-What the f*ck with that secret.
-What secret?
-Eeeeee nothing, is just a NAKED WOMAN ON A KIRBY GAME

The King Pig is equaly as fat as your mother lol.

Call Paimon emergency food was the best thing of the game.

The art direction in this game is fantastic. The graphics style is fenomenal and the sountrack slaps. On the gameplay side, the game is pretty fun. The levels are creative and the boss battles are very good!

When I was little I was OBSESSS with Yo-Kai Watch. I watched the show, bought the merch, play all the games... Yo-kai was my religion.
So I replayed it and... Yeah, it's good. It's not a masterpiece, not nearly. It's just a fun Game to play with your friends.

Woah woah woah woah, how nintendo managed o create this game???? Like, how? This game is 30 years old and it have more content than other moder games!
Anyways, this game is a blast. I prefer Super Mario 3 a little bit, like a super duper mini little tiny bit, but this game still being Mario at it's best.

Never, as a gamer, I have play something like this. A magnifictent experience that can change someone persepctive about the live, death, and the world around us. beautiful story, characters, villain, graphic and music. The game never gets slow, or fast. It just get exactly how it he should be.


Well, here it is, the game that started all.
It's... fine. Maybe the problem I had with this is the emulador I use in my phone, but, some things hasn't aged well: the jump fisics, sometimes the graphics, but is not bad.
Its a game everyone should play before die