22 reviews liked by SerphOX

This is straight up the "second season" of the anime with all the gags, drama and mindfuckery seen in that original anime. Its fantastic and I love it, but hooo boy not all routes were made equal. I don't know if it was a problem with budget or deadlines, or a case of the writers just being meanspirited, but several characters are locked to having unavoidable bad ends where you'd think there'd be a choice at the end but no, nothing. Not that this is a major complaint per-se, but it definitely rubbed me the wrong way seeing fan favorites get all the content they do compared to some of the more unfortunate heroines. Either way, its awesome, just don't go in thinking this is a dating sim or a romance vn cause its really not. (Play the first, albeit slightly mediocre, saturn VN for that)


This game is more challenging that Resurrection, but it's definitely as much fun as DFK. Getting a clear in this game made me realize that I can play shmups and succeed. And love the dark atmosphere in this game.

Esse é o RPG definitivo, em 97 atingimos a perfeição, esse jogo tem tudo que eu queria em um RPG e mais, tudo nele é tão incrivel e divertido que eu me VICIEI em jogar, uma pena que virou um franquia focada em ação com maioria dos titulos sendo mediocres

The laser wheel setpiece is eternal.

The evangelion 3.0 + 1.0 of dark souls

no idea if this is good or not because it runs like absolute shit and when I tried to go online to get some second opinions I experienced acute larp exposure and passed out

the doctors tell me I'm lucky to still be alive

Esse jogo me fez odiar o Fallout 4.

they yassified my stalker..
youtubers should really stop gaslighting the masses that this is the "definitive experience" bc it's not

Story and presentation took a downgrade here imo. The simplicity and subsequent charm of the original gives way to a more hollyhood-esque style, which I didn't enjoy as much.
Still, the gameplay is pretty much better in everyway so this is still a very good time.