While I think some of its gameplay elements have become quite dated (shooting mechanics and lack of checkpoints spring to mind), this is still a rockstar title and therefore is still better than 95% of games made today. With one of the studio's most interesting protagonists and plot, it is still completely worth playing through this game 15 years later.

While I think Bioshock 2 gets a lot of flak for being the lesser of the trilogy (and in terms of its narrative I can definitely see why), I believe that this one builds upon and diversifies all gameplay aspects of the original. For this reason I adore this title, the development of your character builds so steadily along the runtime and it all culminates in a gruelling final combat sequence where the game throws everything it has at you, while you have the power to throw everything you've built and learned right back at it.

Very rarely do I engage with the plot and characters of these old school JPRG type games, nor do I ever enjoy the gameplay. However, in this modern spin on the genre, I greatly enjoyed both aspects. With a highly memorable and diverse cast of characters set in a grand and ever changing plot and game world, I breezed through this 24 hour long game in a mere 3 days - it was that engaging.

Unmatched by any Metroidvania prior to its release, or in the 6 years since. With stunning visuals and a memorable soundtrack, combined with the best game-world and combat system I've ever seen in a 2D title, this one is unmissable.

The absolute pinnacle of XBOX 360 era cover based shooters, with one of those rare gaming narratives that dissect the very medium they are a part of. While it's gameplay is nothing to write home about, I think just for the story alone this one is a must play if you have access to it.

Without a doubt my favourite Halo title. Having played them all back to back this year, I think that Bungie's original run of five games only improved with each one - and every lesson they learned over the course of that development led to this one being the perfect formula. The combat, plot, setting and characters are unmatched within the franchise.

While it's no masterpiece, and I think after three games with little development to its core gameplay loops it's getting a bit stale, this is still an amazing and fun title. Graphically it is phenomenal, and the main story is a blast to play through. I would, however, criticise a lot of the side content for being very copy-and-pasted. Also, it was so demanding on my PS5's hardware that it crashed near a dozen times during the game's bigger moments.

Despite showing its age, the character writing and world building are genuinely some of the best in the entire industry. Plus the old Bethesda era Fallout gameplay holds up surprisingly well and makes the parts in between the conversations just as engaging.

Straight up THE best story in gaming. No one writes games as well as Rockstar, and this is their best story. Attention to detail is unmatched to this day.

Who would have thought that a PS3 exclusive game with a puppet show aesthetic would have such a creative and fun story. Great platforming gameplay combined with fantastic voice acting and a sense of style that is utterly unique.

One of the most emotionally investing games I have ever had the joy of playing. You kind of just have to play it to understand why.

While I could go on for hours about problems I have with this game, I could also gush for hours about reasons I love it. I can only complain so much because of my four playthroughs. It's unmatched as a dark fantasy setting in a game and is just so full of unique content. So very rarely do we see content on this large a scale to this high a quality.

10 years on and developers still haven't caught up to Rockstar with this one. Amazing world, characters and gameplay - especially the driving. One of the most iconic titles of all time for a reason.

Once you get a feel for the combat of Sekiro, you'll start breezing through every boss like a real master swordsman. Never have I played a game that made me genuinely feel like I had learned and mastered the combat. And then you fight Isshin and he teaches you all over again how much you still have to grow if you want to see the credits roll.

An incredible game with one of the most likeable and memorable casts of characters I've ever seen in anything, not just games. The framing of 'The Suicide Mission' informing every choice you make works very well. The DLCs are surprisingly in-depth and diverse too.