Olivier made me question my sexuality

If you beat FC and haven't started this one, what are you doing?

To my beloved golden witch,

Uminkeo is more than the sum of its parts. Beautiful. Art. Something I will be recommending to all of my friends until the day I die. There's very few pieces of media that have made me feel the way this one did. The way its story works together to create something truly profound is like no other while also simply being cool as hell and a fantastic mystery that really makes you think to try and solve it. I'll recommend this to anyone who enjoys reading, and even those who don't.

Classic SNES era Squaresoft combined with Mario, it's wonderful. Funny, charming, I Iove it. Yoko Shimomura is an absolute goddess of music as well, anything by her goes so hard.

Get over those Barriers! This game is so peak I love Trails, easily the best game in the series imo.

An essentially perfect remake of a game which was always a gem despite huge issues for me. It fixes nearly every flaw I had with the original and enhances everything about it.

I will remember you...

Any story Tetsuya Takahashi or Soraya Saga writes is going to be amazing and go some crazy places. Great characters and writing, but the combat hasn't aged the greatest, with some very long battle animations, while still being fairly fun. A great game overall.

Rough start but when this game gets going it really gets going. It's worth looking past every flaw to experience the amazing actually peak fiction story and one of the most satisfying jrpg combat systems ever created.

Wow this game was incredible. Please play it if you like great stories. It will make you cry, but it will be worth it.

Uminkeo is a profound experience, and this ending is brilliant. This is legitimate literature, the kind of thing that could be taught in schools if it wasn't over double the length of the lord of the rings trilogy. I'll think about this work for a long, long time. Thank you Ryukishi07.

In any other year, like one where Final Fantasy XVI didn't release, this would be my game of the year. It's a step up from BOTW in every way, and essentially replaces it in my mind. The new stuff is great and the old stuff manages to feel fresh through the building and fusion mechanics.

If I was writing this 2 or so months ago, before XC3: Future Redeemed released, I would be calling this the best piece of DLC ever released. It's not perfect, the side quests are rough and the pacing can be weird because of the forced side quests, but it improves on everything I took issue with in XC2 and delivers a great story along with it, along with being around 20 hours long for a DLC, which is so wild.

So uh I have hundreds of hours in this game and I plan on playing hundreds more. Don't sleep on this because it's an MMO. It's absolutely peak FF, with the big but being ARR can be long and rough. It's worth every penny and hour though, I promise you.

Pretty much a perfect game. Does everything it sets out to do, is consistently fun and engaging, and an all around great experience.

Definitely a cool evolution of BBS' combat in some ways, but the removal of the command styles was kind of a bummer and the SMT-esque monster collecting system was really just kind of boring in the end. The drop system also really took you out of what you were doing which wasn't cool, but playing as Riku was really fun and it developed the story in some crazy and neat ways.