It was good, but my least favorite SciAdv game I've played as of writing. Loved the characters, but the story was a bit weaker than Steins;Gate or Chaos;Head.

Great followup to Steins;Gate. I don't think it's quite as good as the original, but is still fantastic and should be experienced if you enjoyed the first one. It really feels like it completes the whole story and experience.

Are you seeing this? Absolutely amazing story, with a perfect ending. This game has to be an Organization plot to get me distracted, so they can take me out.... Hah. Me? Distracted? Do you know who I am. The great mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma, will NOT be distracted by this wonderfully written cast of characters! However, I will recommend that as many people experience this amazing game, to further my goal of plunging the world into chaos, as they are addicted to this game.... forever! MUAHAHAHAHA! I will contact you soon. El. Psy. Kongroo.

Wow this game was amazing. Just watched the credits and still feel like there's a bunch of stuff left I want to do. This game is an absolute steal at $20, just everything about it is immensely fun. It really fixes all of the issues I've had with Pokemon lately while forging an identity of its own, creating something that feels both incredibly unique and addictive. Plus the music is absolutely god tier, and will get stuck in your head for days.

A great RPG! Good story and characters, and Wrex has my heart. Writing is all around great, and it's decently short. A great setup to the trilogy!

Cute and charming! Great writing with a fun and unique turn based combat system. Not going to blow anybody away and very much improved upon by TTYD, but a great game anyways.

Music and art in the demo is great. Not sure about the writing but tbh it nails the vibes of TWEWY and that is really all I can ask for.

The black sheep of the Xenoblade series, a much more gameplay focused entry with a soundtrack by Hiroyuki Sawano of AoT and Kill la Kill fame, and the people who have seen those shows will know that his style is distinct and brilliant. The story is bad, and unfinished, but frankly it doesn't really matter when the side content is so engaging and the world is so fun to explore. One of, if not the best open worlds ever designed, AND this is still the only Xenoblade where you get to fly around in and fight in a mech. XC3 comes close with Ouroboros but it isn't quite there. An absolute joy, even though it's so different than the other games.

Fantastic platformer, really fun time. Super excited for Sea of Stars!

Fun and charming. Hope to see more Sonic visual novels.

Tartarus may be annoying and the pacing may be rough but this story is so incredible that it is 100 percent worth seeing through to the end. Would highly recommend downloading at least the mod which adds back in the animated cutscenes removed from the portable version for the first time in the male route.

Wow this game was incredible. Please play it if you like great stories. It will make you cry, but it will be worth it.

Worthy follow up to the first one. I enjoy the story a little less, but it is still very good, while the introduction of more returning pokemon and much more postgame content makes for a game I can spend a lot of time in.

Would consider this not just the best Pokemon game, but a really great JRPG for fans of the Genre. Huge fan of the story told here, and the Unova region is a ton of fun!