This game took me like a year and a half of on and off playing to beat, but it was also absolutely incredible and highly emotional. It's an experience like no other, and should absolutely be played by anyone willing to go through such a slow burn.

I have many, many issues with this game. It's entirely too long, this game never needed 50 hours to tell its story. I already thought the story was weaker than the previous 4 games, but the length makes it even more of a pain. It adds nearly nothing interesting to the overarching plot of Metal Gear, while also generally not being interesting in the first place, while also not having a very satisfying ending, feeling very much unfinished. The open world is incredibly boring, but when you do get to play the game, stealth is generally fun and allows a lot of creativity. The gameplay can be really good, but there's so much that it can get boring and drag on. This game is certified 'good,' but compared to the rest of the series, seriously lacks.

It's fun, but it's also only like an hour long. All of my issues with it extend to MGSV but this is one of the best missions in V tbh, so if you ignore the fact that it's standalone it's quite good.

This game has plenty of issues and weird writing moments, but the great stuff way outshines the bad imo. Additionally, the gameplay is great while you get to play it, but this is definitely a game you play to watch long ass cutscenes. I love them, but ymmv.

Fantastic story, and amazing characters. Love the cold war setting and sneaking around the jungle is super fun.

Absolutely peak fiction, and one of the greatest video game sequels of all time. Improves on the first game in every way and its themes and messages have only gotten more relevant with time. Plus I want to kiss Raiden.

It hasn't aged well, with clunky controls and very aged visuals, but it remains an amazing story with fantastic voice acting and cinematography.

Absolutely phenomenal. Any right-sider owes it to themselves to play this game.

It was good, but my least favorite SciAdv game I've played as of writing. Loved the characters, but the story was a bit weaker than Steins;Gate or Chaos;Head.

Great followup to Steins;Gate. I don't think it's quite as good as the original, but is still fantastic and should be experienced if you enjoyed the first one. It really feels like it completes the whole story and experience.

Are you seeing this? Absolutely amazing story, with a perfect ending. This game has to be an Organization plot to get me distracted, so they can take me out.... Hah. Me? Distracted? Do you know who I am. The great mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma, will NOT be distracted by this wonderfully written cast of characters! However, I will recommend that as many people experience this amazing game, to further my goal of plunging the world into chaos, as they are addicted to this game.... forever! MUAHAHAHAHA! I will contact you soon. El. Psy. Kongroo.

Wow this game was amazing. Just watched the credits and still feel like there's a bunch of stuff left I want to do. This game is an absolute steal at $20, just everything about it is immensely fun. It really fixes all of the issues I've had with Pokemon lately while forging an identity of its own, creating something that feels both incredibly unique and addictive. Plus the music is absolutely god tier, and will get stuck in your head for days.