atmosphere is peak creepy and fun to explore and loot
story is progressing slowly in its unique way
sux they release it in parts ima wait till its near complete

classic love the gameplay I was bad at first then got good.
Im looting and pillaging
Story is non existent bit janky last episode has broke invisible enemies like I swear im not bad

finished main story
Variety of runs is low
Pistol Meta is the real only way to play unless Im bad I couldnt find any other build viable
good fun time I think I bought it for cheap? 5 hrs content ez pz

John Wick Simulator very badass great soundtrack
Progression is pretty lame
Story is goofy and not great
Comedic characters stolen from popular media not bad very chill

Great Casual game constantly evolving gameplay loop to keep you engaged

combat dungeons isnt that great watered down Hades combat
Only interesting thing is the cult managment part decent get it on sale very casual

Dark Souls Combat
Great western kinda empty but its an indie game
Explaoration for great loot is fun
Enemies are unique with different quirks to defeat
Story is not that interseting servers the gameplay

More Chill EFT
Sci Fi enviorment is lit
Ship Combat is super lame they need to improve it Top looter shooter for me

Story is great gameplay is pure immersion you truly feel like a gopnick

Great time with friends great immersion and disrupts the narrative that indie games cant crush Triple A Games.

Best Fast paced FPS out there meant for the Elite gamers

This review was written before the game released

Nice Arcade Shoot Rouge Like
Short bursts of pure badass 80s dopamine.
Played the demo looking forward to full release

Not Terrible Kinda jank
Inspection gameplay is pretty fun nice casual fun

Kinda jank due to age.
Campaign is decently engangin as a novice to the lore and mythos
If you like dawn of war its more of the same not much else
Gameplay loop changes slightly from the usual