If you just want to play the single player portion of these games again on modern consoles than this works as a fine way to access those games where a lot of fun can still be had. I was really looking forward to being able to play online multiplayer and had hoped that there would be a sizable community for these games,. unfortunately this turned out to be a disaster, the servers may have gotten better since release but the first impressions where so bad it appears many people like myself have been turned off and aren't likely to come back basically killing any chance this games multiplayer had.

It's frustrating because the bar was so low, people weren't asking for much they just wanted access to these classic games and a functional online multiplayer there really is no reason why the game should lunch in the state it did, instead of reviving the Battlefront series I think this has killed it.

This is the perfect modern Final Fantasy striking a great balance between real-time action and turn-based combat, while there are other styles of game-play that Final Fantasy could and should tackle I think this is my ideal approach to the series in the modern day.

It's been said many times before that this game is more of a re-imagining/retelling then a direct remake of the original Final Fantasy VII and while I understand that this may disappoint people who were hoping for more of a faithful remake, I think giving themselves the room to go off in their own direction with this game has allowed them to really keep this game feeling fresh at the same time as paying homage to the original. I don't think you can say by playing this game that you've truly experienced the original Final Fantasy VII as it's really its own thing but I think this game offers people the chance to experience the world and characters of that game but with a new twist, for me this is all an up-side as it keeps the original game relevant and worth replaying in it's own right, even if I think I like this version better. Simply put Final Fantasy VII isn't a replacement for the original but a fantastic modernization and expansion of the story that game created.

Can't wait to play Rebirth very soon, I'm pretty sure this is my favorite game of the 2020s so far I'm not sure I've been this gripped by a game in this way for so long, it's also probably in my top 3 Final Fantasy games, I'd recommend experiencing the original first to players who are open to playing older games but if not then definitely go ahead and play this game if this trilogy keeps this quality up we could have without doubt one of the best video game trilogies of all-time.

I don't know why I get to the end of these games and can't bring myself to finish it, I'm literally on the final Dante mission and I just quit the level out of pure boredom and can't bring myself to pick it back up. While I have some issues with the first Devil May Cry game it's still a game that I have a lot of appreciation for. Not even the small amount of nostalgia that I have for Devil May Cry 2 could save it, this is easily one of the most boring games ever made.

There's just nothing to this game the combat is shallow as pretty much anything from regular enemies to bosses are all dealt with the same way by firing your guns at them until their health slowly drains, this is what you'll be doing for the whole time, you can swing your sword if you want but it's not any better. Story wise it's somehow weaker than the first game it's almost non-existent, The first Devil May Cry while not really being story driven at least had an atmosphere and an interconnected world that gave you context for why you were doing what you were doing, in this game you'll start the level at some random place with no explanation as to where you are or why you are here. On top of that removing the creepy Gothic atmosphere of the world and the creative demonic enemies and replace it with generic cities and villages and bland demonic creatures that look like they could have come from any game it honestly doesn't even feel like you're in the same world. It's just very hard to drag yourself along this game when there's just no reason to care about any of it and that's despite the campaign being very short.

I think there's one improvement that this game makes and that's with it's camera, it's still fixed and it does run into some of the same issues as the first game but I generally found it to be less of a problem. Adding a roll button and a button for the guns is also a nice addition but with how plain and simple the combat is you don't really notice either way. There's also the second campaign where you play as Lucia I've heard some say that its a bit better but as with a lot of people Dante's campaign just puts me off it, from what I remember from playing it when I was younger it's apart of this game and if you want more of it it's there but I can't see it being a big enough improvement to make me play more of this.

Just a bad game that I recommend skipping unless you are set on playing every Devil May Cry game but from what I know I think this game is mostly ignored by the series going forward so I don't think there's anything to miss here.

I've never played the original SNES Super Mario RPG so can't really say how this holds up as a remake of that game but as it's own thing this is great.

The game may be a little on the basic side when it comes to turn-based RPGs but I was expecting that and it's simplicity doesn't mean that the games combat isn't fun or lacks polish, this is a well designed and fun to engage with combat system. Similarly the games story is nothing complex its not your epic existential RPG but it doesn't need to be, the games just got a charm to it that made me feel like I was playing through a Saturday morning cartoon. I think this really compliments the game because its structure can feel quite episodic and the main highlights of this game comes from the places you explore and the characters you meet, this also made it very easy to just jump in and out of the game. It did take me an hour or so to warm to the game but once I started expanding the party and really getting used to this games style I had very few other problems.

One of the few areas of the game that was slightly annoying was actually it's platforming sections as it could be sometimes hard to line up my jumps correctly due to the camera placement but generally it was fine and isn't too big an aspect of the game.

I really recommend this game even to people who don't usually play turn-based RPGs its a good time and nice to see the Mario world presented in this way.

Haven't had to stop playing a game because of difficulty in ages and I might still come back to it as there is an addicting element to this game but I was getting pissed off by a lot of cheap deaths due to the horrible camera placement this games has. Devil May Cry uses the fixed placed camera of the Resident Evil games which works fine for those slower pace survival horror games but is not at all suited to an action game that requires split second decision making on where to move so you can dodge attacks yet you can't see the enemies attacking you or the vulnerable spots on the boss because of the awful camera placement meaning you get hit from something off screen or you can't actually see what you're supposed to be fighting, enclosed boss battles are a nightmare for this because of the way the camera works, same with aerial bosses such as the one with the Griffon it's laughable how poorly designed it is. These issues extend to the games platforming sections which thankfully don't take up to much of the game but are tedious and frustrating as its really hard to get a sense of perspective so its very easy to miss your jumps. I could deal with these problems but because it's a game over 20 years old it's a lot less forgiving than many modern games tend to be so checkpoints don't exist and it uses a lives system which is fine as the levels themselves tend to be quite short but once you start getting cheap deaths and have to keep going through the same sections over and over again it just becomes frustrating. I'll admit that I'm also a bit shit at the game but these problems definitely contributed and ultimately made me rage quit. It wouldn't be so bad if I could change the difficulty or even had the option to choose a difficulty in the first place but from my understanding the game defaults you onto normal and only lets you change difficulty if you die a certain amount of times within the first couple of missions but if you get past that it sticks you to normal and there's no way to go down which again is more of a modern game feature to let you change difficulty midway through but not even getting a choice or even the opportunity to change later on in the game when it actually gets difficult just seems like such a strange decision to me. I've finished this game before as a kid and I'm pretty certain it was on easy, so the lower difficulty is either significantly easier or I've gotten much worse at games as I've gotten older which is entirely possible I'll admit. Had this been a first ever play-through I might have persevered but it just didn't seem worth the frustration and tedium despite being relatively near to the end.

I don't want to completely bad mouth this game because there's a lot that it does right, firstly its obviously a very important game and did so much for hack and slash and action games today. The games combat itself still holds up well and it's fun to play, it's been improved upon sure, but this still holds up well. The game also has a brilliant atmosphere I've always appreciated the horror tone that this game has that was kind of lost in the later Devil May Cry games. This game can be legit creepy, this is no doubt due to it starting out as Resident Evil 4 and it really shows. The atmosphere, enemies and environment and the general aesthetic are by far the best part of this game and are the main reason I'd recommend anyone to play it today.

As for the story it's pretty flat there's not much going on with very few cut-scenes and some of it's time writing and voice acting it's not bad just dated and doesn't really hold-up to what we have today but it does lay the groundwork for the series and gets the job done so it's fine.

I really think there's a potential for a really good remake of this game, one that can improve and add to the story keeping the atmosphere of this game intact while addressing the issues the game has and adding all of the improvements to the genre that have been made since it's release, this is something that I would really like to see and with capcom excellent Resident Evil Remakes I think they could do it justice.

Can't believe it took me so long to finally play this, as a big South Park fan this is about as good as I could have hoped for it really feels like you're playing an episode of the show while also not neglecting being a good game. It's turn-based battles are on the simplier side and you can get through this game without much trouble but that's not really an issue for me because this isn't a 50-hour RPG so the combat never gets to repetitive and I don't want to struggle through this game I'm not here for a challenge.

If your not a South Park fan you've still got a good game here but I think your enjoyment is greatly enhanced by knowing all the in-jokes and characters you come across, this is honestly one of the games where I've most enjoyed doing the side-quests because there's so many extra characters and jokes here that make them worth doing.

I feel like no matter what Final Fantasy does now it'll always be divisive or off putting to some part of the fanbase, the series has been going on so long and been through so many phases that I'd argue it's almost impossible to keep everyone happy. While I would like to see a turn-based Final Fantasy game again I think that's very unlikely for the main series, I'm fine with a more action orientated approach and Final Fantasy XVI has a great combat system that remains fun throughout the whole game I just think it needs a bit extra depth to it. I think if they kept the combat as it is but added more of an RPG focus on your skill tree, upgrading your character and customizing there gear it would help to retain some of the RPG elements of the franchise, while these features are in the game they are very thin and never feel that they make much of an impact on game-play in fact I don't think crafting a new sword or amour ever made me feel any stronger or different at all. I think expanding on these parts of the game would have enhanced the combat and overall experience of the game as honestly as the game got nearer to the end I started ignoring more and more of the side content because it felt that very little of it actually mattered.

Where the story's concerned I think Final Fantasy XVI is very strong, the game throws a lot at you and it can be hard to follow at points but thankfully it's really easy to look up parts of the lore and backstory within the game which is a great feature. I also really came to like the central cast by the end of the game, there's some characters who don't leave much impact or just aren't that interesting but for the most part these are well written and acted characters. I do miss having a party and being able to customize and have control over there attacks and abilities but I understand why they decided to primarily focus on Clive in this case.

The game definitely has some pacing issues where it feels it sends you on needlessly tedious quests of just going about chatting to random people or collecting something just to fill up time so I think this could have been streamlined a bit as with a lot of the side content in the game.

There's definitely some issues with Final Fantasy XVI but when it's good its fantastic and that's usually when the games in it's more linear story moments, particularly the boss battles which are an impressive spectacle. It's not the best in the franchise or anything and if this is the path the series goes down I would like to see them add just a little bit more RPG elements into it's combat, but overall I'm happy with this game.

This could be my favorite Resident Evil game. I think Capcom did an amazing job at both re-imaging and modernizing the Resident Evil franchise with this game. Back when this came out I was uncertain about the first person perspective but it works perfectly. The use of first person really reminds me of the old games with the fixed cameras as you can't see what's behind you and it can add a lot of tension when your being chased.

The opening hours with the Baker family might be the most tense hours of the whole series. The game may peak in it's early hours and some of it's scares may have worn of but I feel that's often the case with horror and I didn't feel this impacted my enjoyment plus the confidence you gain by the end of the game does make it very satisfying to play.

Overall I think this perfectly captures the feel of the old Resident Evil games bringing it back to its survival horror roots while also updating it.

Zombies is a five star experience especially back in the day, Easily some of the best maps in the whole series and I still play it pretty regularly. The rest of the game is a bit mixed, this isn't one of CODs strongest campaigns but the option to play it in co-op does add some value to it though I'll admit it's not something I ever played that much. I actually appreciate the multiplayer more now then when it was the current COD, it's not my favorite in the series but still pretty fun and there's some good maps although it is ruined somewhat by loot-boxes and things like that.

There's potential with this game and when playing with others it can be quite fun, but as it is there's not much to keep you coming back and it can be a bit on the repetitive side. Hopefully some updates will add and improve to this game because this isn't a bad start.

My favorite Final Fantasy game I've played so far, it was also my first to be fair which I'm sure plays a part but still I think this is my favorite story in the franchise and a lot of my favorite characters in the series come from this game. I really like how this game actually feels like your taking a journey through this world it really helps with the world building and makes sense in the narrative, this does mean that it is more linear than the games before it but I don't mind in this case.

This also my favorite turn based battle system possibly that I've ever played. I like how this feels more tactical than some of the other games, I tend to prefer it when your party has predetermined roles and for most of this game that's how it works, for me I like how the battles match the characters personality and the way in which they fight makes sense for their specific character, it also means that I actually use all of them in most the battles because there's a specific reason to switch out characters mid-battle as opposed to favoring certain characters which I find can often happen to me in turn-based RPGs.

There's a few things I dislike about this game those temple puzzles are awful, they're boring (yes i'm rubbish at them but that's mostly because I'm to lazy to spend time figuring it out I'll admit) I just find them to really break the pacing of the game, they just don't need to be there it doesn't even make sense in the story for me either. I haven't engaged with Blitzball much but from what I've done I don't like it, thankfully there's only one time in the game your forced to play it and you don't even need to win it so maybe if I engaged with it more it would grow on me but the game does a bad job at explaining it to the player in fact it pretty much overwhelms you with the amount of info dumping it gives you. Finally it's not a big issue if your just playing this to go through the main story like me but I think some of the ultimate weapons have needlessly tedious quests, some people may like this and again they aren't necessary for an average play-through, just in comparison to some of the other games the quests seem a bit much.

So while I have some problems with the game the only one that really detracts in anyway from the main experience are the temple puzzles but I'm willing to overlook this because everything else is fantastic.

A must play for fans of the "Guardians of the Galaxy" franchise as this game does an excellent job of capturing these characters and using them all effectively in game-play. I did find this game was starting to get repetitive by the end however as while the combat is enjoyable I do feel the game-play doesn't have that much variety or depth to it, luckily the games under 20 hours so it just avoids getting too repetitive and I was kept invested by the narrative and characters. I'd like to see a sequel to this game it's deserving of it and there's definitely some areas that a sequel could improve upon.

"Final Fantasy IX" definitely feels a bit slower to play than some of the others in the series, that's with both its story and it's combat, but where the story's concerned it's worth it, easily some of my favorite characters in the franchise and the game gives you a lot of time to really get to know these characters, well most of them anyway "Amarant" is a bit underwhelming and "Quina" got on my nerves as they just act as comic relieve that I found got old fast but beyond those characters I was really invested in everyone else. I also like the sort of fairy-tail feel this game has it sets it apart from pretty much every other game I've played in the franchise so far, (I haven't played one older than "VI" yet) the game also has an art style that still holds up really well today particularly because the game wasn't trying to go for realistic looking characters so the PS1 graphics really compliment the aesthetic they were going for.

The combat feels a bit overly slow in places particularly in comparison to "X" and "VI" I'm not sure why this is the case, you get used to it and with this modern release of the game you can speed up battles which make it a bit better. I also don't like how the overdrive mechanics are used, you have no control over when you're characters overdrive is activated so most the time they are just wasted in random encounters, still these are minor issues for me and don't detract from the strengths of the game.

Probably my second favorite in the series behind "X".

If you didn't like the "Dead Island" games before this I doubt this would change your mind, It's funny how despite all of the delays this game went through it still feels like it could have come out in 2014 or 2015 and I don't even mean that in a negative way as I had fun with this game and it's nice to have a co-op game that doesn't ask for loads of you're time like a lot of modern games do. "Dead Island 2" is a fun game to play there just isn't that much to it, once I finished it I honestly didn't think much about it, not much impact was left on me but I don't regret buying it or playing it, though I do think this is more of a wait till it's on sale or gamepass type thing.

This game has held up really well in so many areas it's platforming is still excellent and I can't think of many games that control in this exact way today, "Assassins Creed" went in a different direction with it's parkour that's not worse just different. I think the linearity of this game really benefits it, you have really well thought out puzzles and platforming segments that are just really enjoyable to work your way through. The only part of the game-play that feels a bit basic is the combat as there isn't a whole lot of variety, it works and there's enough to keep you engaged but by the end of the game many of the fights can become a little long and repetitive.

The story also holds up well, The Prince and Farah really work well of each other and have a lot of chemistry. The main strength of this game's narrative is the tone it goes for feeling like an Arabian Nights tale it's really unique as we don't have many games that goes for this setting and feeling and the game absolutely nails it. It's unfortunately something that I feel the sequels lost particularly "Warrior Within."

I don't know what's happening with the remake but there is potential with it and I'm hoping that if it's successful it'll revive the Prince of Persia series and we'd hopefully get some new games, there's definitely room for this and "Assassins Creed" a more linear action adventure game like this but on modern hardware would be really nice to see.