Very chill introduction to JRPGs. The RNG can get crazy though.

This was the first Final Fantasy game I ever beat. It is definitely a departure from the other classic Final Fantasy, but that was done purposefully. This was designed to be an introduction to the genre to help popularize it in western civilization.

The story is really basic. The world is plummeting into chaos because the Crystals need saving. Go do the hero thing.

You only ever have one party member accompanying you at a time to help keep battles simple. And it can be even more beginner friendly by setting their battle mode to Auto.

As I said enemy RNG can get kind of ridiculous and they love to spam status effects, but that's okay. As I said, it's very beginner friendly so you can retry after every game over. Also if you fully explore dungeons and beat all of the battle arenas along the way, you will get equipment that makes you immune to status effects.

The battles can get really repetitive, but I still really find this game charming. It's a fairly short adventure. The art style is very cute. The monster designs are kind of funky and I love them (the shocked Medusa sprite when she is at low HP is my favorite).

The music in this game was really fun, although it doesn't feel anything like the other Final Fantasy games at the time. This isn't a super complex JRPG so if you are looking for a big challenge and super bosses, this isn't really it. This was totally designed to be accessible to people who had never touched a JRPG before. I think they accomplished that goal.

It'd be cool to see this one remade like the Pixel Remasters one day, but I don't think enough people liked this one for Square Enix to want to invest in that.

This game is a neat little part in gaming history. If you are interested in trying it out, I say go for it. But remember it is kind of it's own thing and brace yourself for repetitive battles.

Good spooky game!

I was extremely late to the Silent Hill party. The only reason I even played this was because it is one of my girlfriend's favorite horror game and she really wanted me to experience it. And I'm very glad she recommended it.

You are a man named James looking for his wife, who he thought was dead, in your favorite cozy place: The monster infested town of Silent Hill. You work your way around the town solving puzzles, collecting supplies, and fighting monsters!

The game has a really eerie atmosphere. The lighting is pretty dark and the town is shrouded in a thick fog (a clever way to hide old render distance issues). My favorite puzzle in the entire game was the music box one. I'm thinking about learning that song on piano.

The controls were a little bit clunky, but thankfully the HD collection version lets you turn off tank controls. My only real complaint is that some collectables were really, really tiny. I had to constantly remind myself that James will turn his head towards items if there is something nearby, and use that to find things instead of actually seeing them more often than not.

Overall it's a good spooky game. I definitely recommend it!

This game is so freaking adorable!

This is my first time playing a mystery dungeon style game, but it was a lot of fun! You play as cute little chocobo who wound up in a town where no one can remember anything. You travel into their minds, which are randomly generated dungeons, and fight monsters and bosses to restore their memories.

The gameplay can get a little bit repetitive, but it stays fresh unlocking new buddies and classes. Your chocobo can use many different classic Final Fantasy classes (such as Knight, Black Mage, White Mage etc.) that changes their move set a bit as you level it. You can also unlock buddies that act as a party member to aid you on your adventures! These can be acquired from either finishing story and special side missions, or taming enemies after defeating a certain amount of them.

Honestly the cuteness alone kept me going back to this game. It is a very cozy little Final Fantasy themed game!

The music in it is also really good! It's a compilation of new song arrangements from other Final Fantasy games.

If you like chocobos or mystery dungeon games, definitely give it a try!

This game is such a fun platformer and a big part of my childhood!

This was one of the few (five or so) Super Nintendo games we had growing up. I have a lot of fun memories playing this with my siblings. I remember one time we had a babysitter watching us when I was little, and she let us stay up till around midnight playing this. She showed us Top Secret Area and the way to Soda Lake. Absolutely the coolest babysitter I ever had.

As an adult I still love this game. I enjoy going back to it every few months and beating all 96 Exits. I love the art style of this one, it's very cute. The music is so good, and I instantly get filled with nostalgia and a rush of old memories whenever I hear the soundtrack. Forest of Illusions has always been my favorite track.

Mechanically speaking, I feel like this is kind of where 2D Mario games peaked. A lot of old platformers are very slippery and feel like they are on ice. Super Mario World's controls feel very tight. Flying in this game is so much more in depth than I realized as a kid. I used to just dive bomb and pull up, trying to maintain height. As an adult, I learned you fly by tapping the opposite direction. There are a lot of fancy things you can do, like changing flight speed, or cape spinning (flying from a spin jump) and other cool movement I never realized when I was younger.

Swimming also feels really good in this one. If you just hold down and tap the swim button, you have way more control over your underwater movement, and it's not nearly as jumpy as Mario swimming has felt in the past.

The biggest highlight of this game is Yoshi! Introducing Mario's partner and many colored friends was a great addition! Each color of Yoshi has a unique power up!

Honestly, I love this game. I 100% recommend it! If you like retro games, try it. If you like platformers, try it. If you like Nintendo, try it. Just do it!

This is a cute short adventure game!

The story was interesting, but nothing too deep. The grappling parkour puzzles are a ton of fun! You play as a kid following his scientist uncle's trail through a different world. It feels like a Jules Verne inspired kind of adventure. It's really not that long. I think it only took around 4-5 hours to play through.

It is absolutely worth replaying, exploring, and gathering collectables solely to unlock Goat Mode. My partner and I were laughing at it for so long!

It's a cute adventure, give it a go if you are looking for something new to play!

Surprisingly fun platformer!

Similar to the first Jazz Jackrabbit, this game aged a lot better than I anticipated it would! This game has so many quality of life upgrades over it's predecessor. Some are small upgrades like adding a run button, or the ability to aim your weapon up. The larger field of vision got rid of the problem of enemies quickly coming from off screen and damaging you (that was one of my only complaints with the first game).

The main new addition is character selection! Jazz isn't alone for this mission. All of the characters are fun to play as and each character controls a little bit different:

Jazz: When you press the jump button in midair, Jazz will glide down with helicopter ears (think Dixie Kong in DKC2). If you hold down and then press jump, Jazz does a super high jump that can also break blocks over his head.

Spaz: When you jump in midair, Spaz performs a double jump, getting some extra height. If you hold down, and then press the jump button, Spaz does a quick flying kick attack in whichever direction he is facing.

Lori: Lori is an extra character only available in The Secret Files version. Lori is a blend of both Jazz and Spaz's move set. If you jump while in midair, she will glide down with helicopter ears. If you hold down and then press jump, she does a flying kick, attacking whichever way she was facing.

One move all the characters share is a kind of butt stomp. Just press down in midair. This move is extremely broken in boss fights and offers a lot of invincibility frames! I don't know if I could have beat some of the bosses without it.

I liked the level design in this game a lot more than the first one. There is a large variety to the kinds of worlds you travel too. My favorite was the one based on Alice in Wonderland! Another fun set of levels revisit a few of the planets from the first game. It was cool revisiting the familiar locations in a higher quality game, both graphically and mechanically.

If you only play on Jazz game, I'd recommend this one!

Wonderfully fun and a great new challenge!

Randomizers are phenomenal and breath new live into your favorite games!

OoTR specifically is incredibly robust with it's settings options. You can disable any check you are not comfortable with (for me 1500 Horseback Archery and Racing Dampé in under a minute). You can tell the randomizer to plan for any tricks or glitches you may know (such as Ocarina Items or Cuccoo Diving) and it will make a seed where you very well may need to do those tricks.

At it's base, randomizers mix around all the major item locations. In addition to that you can choose to mix ups keys, shop inventory, skulltula tokens and more. The very brave could try a full entrance shuffle (every load zone leads to the wrong spot) or a no logic seed (there is zero logic to how items were mixed, you will have to glitch around to finish it).

Dungeons can randomly be the original or Master Quest versions, bosses can be shuffled, songs and warps can also be shuffled. There is so much variety!

This level of customization may seem daunting at first, but it actually makes this randomizer extremely beginner friendly. You can turn off as many settings as you like to try it out, and gradually add more and more chaos!

It is absolutely a blast and brings new life to one of my most beloved childhood games! I absolutely recommend it!

This is such a fun point-and-click horror game! It's definitely worth a few playthroughs.

I originally played through this on stream with my partner, and since then have gone back working on trophy hunting it. There are options for so many of the puzzles that effect following chapters depending on if your choices were good or bad. There are hidden rooms and things I never even would have considered before looking at the achievement guide. It's honestly incredibly cool!

The writing of the story is really cool as well. I don't want to spoil it, but it's worth playing through a few times to try to get all the endings! The sound design creates a really chill, spooky atmosphere.

Definitely recommend this if puzzle point-and-click games are your thing!

This game is a hard pass for me.

I reluctantly made myself play through it for stream, but I can not suggest it to anyone. I try hard to be somewhat positive with my reviews, just because I didn't enjoy a game doesn't mean someone else can't enjoy it.

This game is a mystery dungeon game using X-2 assets. The player has to climb to the top of a 80 floor tower. The randomness is a bit over the top. I'm not sure I ever would have finished it without the help of a guide. The art style felt grim and dark, making me wish I were just playing Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon because it's cuter. The story for this, is really nonexistent, which really made this feel like a quick cash grab to ride off the success of X and X-2. If you are interested, I would really suggest just looking it up on YouTube.

Again, this my opinion. If you love this game, that's awesome and I am happy for you. But I cannot recommend this one at all.

This game was such a blast of nostalgia!

It aged a lot better than I thought it would have! Prior to streaming it, I hadn't played this game since I was really young. It was super fun to go back through! The music is so good, possibly the best part! The different worlds were very fun to traverse. The boss fights were a bit stressful, but I got through them. The save system in this game makes game overs very forgiving.

The only real problems I encountered were a few levels that had really hard platforming, and sometimes the small field of vision had enemies quickly coming off screen causing lots of damage (the tank turtles are the worst).

Outside of that, it was a ton of fun. You just need to have some patience for older games. I absolutely would recommend this if haven't tried it before!

This was a cute little puzzle platformer. I really enjoyed the magical forest setting of this game. For the most part, the game is chill and pretty straightforward. My partner and I did get hung up for a bit on the final boss though, it felt a bit out of nowhere compared to the rest of the game.

This game is so awesome!

I'll be honest, I'm trash at rhythm games, but this one was too fun for me to put down. The art style is a modernized take on A Link to the Past. The remixes of classic Zelda songs go so much harder than they ever need to.

Each time you start a new game, the world is randomly generated and the spread of items are all mixed up. I love that this game launched as a randomizer!

This game has some hard parts, but thankfully staying on rhythm just buffs you, there's no severe punishment for moving/attacking off beat.

For the masochists that can't just play games in a non-punishing way, there is a permadeath option when you start a new game. So really all play levels can find something to enjoy here!

There is a campaign following Link and Zelda, another following the antagonist, and then a DLC campaign following Skull Kid.

Honestly this game is so much fun and I love going back and running around this randomized Hyrule. Arguably, the best part of this game is all of the bosses being a music themed Zelda pun. I highly recommend trying this one out!

This game holds a special place for me. It was the first Zelda game I beat on my own, without help from older siblings. It's a fun adventure that set a lot of standards that would carry on throughout the series.

Playing through it again for stream it was still a blast. The puzzles are fun, but not too hard (as long as we don't talk about Ice Palace). This was the first Zelda game to really be story driven instead of just dropped into a world expected to figure things out.

The art style is super cute, and the soundtrack is still one of my favorites to listen too! I will always recommend this game to anyone who hasn't played it yet.

This is honestly one of my all-time favorite games.

This is one of the many "Final Fantasy: Star Wars" entries into the series. The story has a lot of exposition explaining the political conflict between warring countries, and that can be really heavy at first, but they are just setting the scene so you understand why all the characters are doing what they do.

The world has a ton of variety (once you leave the desert) such as vast forests, underground mines, snow covered mountains, cursed ruins and more! The soundtrack is great as well!. Balthier and Fran are probably my favorite pair of FF characters from any game in the series.

This game gets a lot of hate because of it's weird combat system, but I love it. I tinker a bit with programming as a hobby, so the Gambit system being one big if/else statement made immediate sense to me, and I loved being able to program how my party members would react to any given situation.

Another thing I really enjoyed about XII is they replaced the need to mindlessly level grind throughout the game with a series of Hunt side quests. As you journey through the world, a few major towns have job boards in them, where petitioners have posted monsters that are causing them trouble. This is all completely optional, but if you decided to do them, there are so many cool monsters! The final hunt took me just under 4 hours to beat. It was wild.

This is honestly one of those games that is on my list when people ask me "If you could only play one game for the rest of your life, what would it be?"

Vincent Valentine is so unapologetically over-the-top edgy the entire game, and I am here for it.

The game is honestly pretty fun and gets forgotten far too much. It's fairly short, a nice little addition to the FFVII universe.