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Aziamuth reviewed Phantom Brave PC
Muy cuco y bonito por ninguna razón aparente, me encanta enlazar fantasmas a objetos en contra de su voluntad

20 hrs ago

AsukaFortune finished Shin-chan: Me and the Professor on Summer Vacation - The Endless Seven-Day Journey
This game was a letdown for me. While I didn't expect tit to be a masterpiece, there were some jarring issues I've found related to the story and the gameplay.

First of all, the characters seem to be a watered down version of their counterparts from the anime/manga, with a lot of the jokes present on the source material being absent here. For example, Misae personality is more relaxed, not getting angry even once at Shin Chan for his attitude, this can be applies to almost any character, to the point I think that this game was first thought to be something else, and then it was applies the Shin Chan skin.

The story itself was pretty simple and boring, there's not much that was happening through all the days, feeling longer just for the sake of being longer, with a lot of padding and characters saying 2-line sentences equivalent to your average NPC stating obvious facts.

The gameplay loop is also pretty dull, with Shin Chan being a junior reporter who has to pay attention to his environment to check for anything interesting, there's also bug/fish catching, but that part is so simple and dependant to RNG that it's not even about investigating the areas, but just about being lucky.

There's also a mini game about dinosaurs battling each other, and while being a glorified Rock-paper-scissors, I think it's actually one of the coolest ideas of the game, with each movement having it's own Risk vs Reward and it seemed actually well crafter. Sadly, the game doesn't really care much about it, and having no real reward for completing said chore in the highest difficulties.

I know this game it's supposed to be cozy, but i think that seeing how grindy the side content is, I think this game could benefit more from being a Visual Novel where you could visit places, and the side content was totally erased, seeing that it doesn't really bring anything to the gameplay loop.

2 days ago

Aziamuth commented on fascinator's list please just play the originals...
I don't agree with the Dragon Quest choices but I also played them in Spanish which has superb localization so I don't know

4 days ago

4 days ago

Aziamuth commented on DestroyerOfMid's review of The King of Fighters '98
Vanila 98 feels so shitty compared to Ultimate Match

4 days ago

5 days ago

Aziamuth finished Postal: Brain Damaged
Media estrella menos porque la sátira no da risa

5 days ago

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