Going into it I thought it wasn’t my cup of tea but damn this game is good. Good story, beautiful graphics, and some of the smoothest and fun gameplay I’ve ever experienced, a third person horror game shouldn’t be allowed to have such a good parry system.

Shit makes FIFA look like Elden Ring

It’s black flag 2 with a story that falls off after the prologue. Solid game though

Wow some people seriously sat down one day and said let’s make a masterpiece because that is the only way you can create something as godly as Hotel Mario. I gotta give props to any company nowadays that stick to their creative vision and don’t try to appeal to everyone for profit.
That is the reason some of you think this game isn’t good your IQ simply is too low. People will always tell you about Fromsoftware and the great games they produce. Fuck them, Miyazaki is shivering his timbers after he played this masterpiece. Little fun fact for all of you Miyazaki himself said that this was the best game he ever played he even quoted following famous line after finishing this game “A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad“. We all hate modern games for their
repetitive Ubisoft like gameplay open worlds, boring stories, lootboxes, in game transactions, battlepasses and life service bullshit. This game has none of the mentioned bullshit, you have a game that was created with a clear vision because it knows a game for everyone are games for no one. It has a clear level structure with a great not WOKE Story and a soundtrack that makes the final fantasy soundtrack look like the average Hazbin Hotel song. The effort and care the devs seem to have put into this game is outstanding. In an age of games that are released buggy, broken and unfinished, Philips Interactive deserve a thank you for making such a masterpiece.
When it released a lot of replies saying Final Fantasy VI is better. Can't we just agree with Hotel Mario and Final Fantasy VI releasing in the same month that it must have been a great time to be a gamer?
But Jokes aside now if you disagree with me you are nitpicking and biased I win bye bye.

Oh I love this game so much it’s so fucking good in so many ways. The areas, the lore, OMG THE COMBAT UNGHHHH. I was never a big fan of the souls games but this makes want to give them another chance. It also had the best final boss in any game ever literally screamed when I finally defeated him. Ten out of ten for me personally loved it all the way trough.

Mid of Tsushima
I went into this expecting a game of the year experience, I ended up getting a solid video game but nothing more than that. All aspects of the game especially the fighting and collecting became very bland about act three. It’s weird because I usually kinda like the Ubisoft formula just not with this game. The story is good but nothing more than that a good story with a great ending. The same goes for the character all of them good but there were none where I really thought damn what a character. The open world is beautiful can’t say anything against it.
Tsushima is like I said a good game but I can’t see it as a game of the year contender in any point besides maybe graphics but to each their own and I understand why so many people like it
No other game gives you the badass samurai experience like this one and i respect it.


The fact that this game lost to stray at the game awards for best indie game is a shame. One of the best third person fighters I ever played. I never felt improvement in a game as much as in this one. The great level design is also a very underrated aspect of the game as it has tons of creative ideas. The story is okay and the music does its job. This game is really hard and you will die a lot the start but mastering combat makes it worth though. Big recommendation

The finale of this game made me go from thinking "wtf is this writing" to genuinely tearing up in the span of 10 minutes.

I don’t care what people say mii party is better than any Mario party, the amount of fun I had in this game with family and friends forces me to give it a 9/10

It’s the only game where I have a 1000 hours so i need to give it some props. It has some of the best gunplay and movement in the whole shooter genre, but I got burned out about 3 months ago and only play on rare occasion so I don’t now how the game is doing right now.

Gameplay is basically the same as Spider Man 2018 with a few changes to the ability’s you have. The story however is not so great I like the protagonist miles morales but the rest really falls flat especially the two villains of the game. Graphic is awesome though and swinging around in New York is as fun as ever. Good game, would recommend picking up in winter sets a good mood. A nice side game for sure

Completed it in one sitting and it was one of the best experiences in my life, there is really nothing you can complain about in this game