AMA (For VGs, of course)

Ask me for my opinion on anything vg related (Anything goes, thoughts on a certain game, a genre, specific aspects, etc) and I'll answer to the best of my ability. I saw this go around on twitter a lot and thought this would be a good place to try something similar.

"least favorite video game trope/pet peeve?" - Nightblade

I really hate the ongoing trend of modern Western games forcing in a lot of RPG elements in places where they really don't belong. If I want to deal with managing stats like that, I'll just play a regular RPG. Crafting systems are an especially egregious part of this, seeing them in that new Gotham Knights game completely turned me off from it.
"What property would you most want to get it's own Omega Force musou game?" - DustyVita

Changing my answer since I realized I was only thinking in the context of games. I think it'd be awesome if they made a Shonen Jump crossover title as a Warriors style game. I think these licensed musou games have worked best as massive crossovers like Hyrule Warriors, so having the typical Jump crossover game be taken in such a wildly different direction like this, while also being in a style well suited for crossovers, would be a perfect fit.
"favourite final dungeon" - SeymourFlux747

The World That Never Was. It's one of my favorite locations in the series, especially with how it contrasts the broken and chaotic nature of End of the World from KH1 with its sleek and empty feeling that fits perfectly with the nobodies. It also houses a lot of my favorite encounters and moments of the whole game.

(Honorable mention to the Millennium Tower in Like A Dragon)
"biggest gaming disappointment?" - radicalraisin

This game was the reason I wanted a PS4.

...yeah that sure went well
"A game series you love but dont have any favorites from" - CatGod

The Donkey Kong Country series is absolutely stunning, definitely some of the best titles to ever come from the platformer genre. I don't think they hit an absolutely perfect sweet spot on to get in my favorites that Shovel Knight does, but they get dangerously close to doing so. A previous answer would probably be Ace Attorney, but GAA Chronicles being one of the best releases ever knocked it out of the criteria.
"Favorite party members in a RPG?" - MPK92

This was a tough one to answer for multiple reasons. One, because I felt like I had two ideas of how I could answer this, (individual party members or whole parties) and two, because trying to choose between them for either criteria was like making me choose between my own children. So to narrow this down, I'll pick my top 3 for each category, not counting protagonists in the former. My favorite individual party members are Sylvando from Dragon Quest XI, Dunban from Xenoblade Chronicles and Nanba from Yakuza: Like A Dragon. And my favorite full parties are Dragon Quest XI's party, Xenoblade Chronicles's party, and the Wicked Twisters from NEO: The World Ends With You.
"Game that you'd recommend everyone play regardless of gaming experiences/taste?" - Drax

Honestly, all of the games Shu Takumi has directed would be perfect for this. He specializes at making games that are perfect for casual appeal. I think Ghost Trick is my pick for this not only because I consider it in very close contention for his best work, but it also shows off the potential of the medium's interactivity in a very simple and appealing way.


1 year ago

least favorite video game trope/pet peeve?

1 year ago

What property would you most want to get it's own Omega Force musou game?

1 year ago

Your favorite attack/ability animations.

1 year ago

favourite final dungeon

1 year ago

biggest gaming disappointment?

1 year ago

A game series you love but dont have any favorites from

1 year ago

Game that you'd recommend everyone play regardless of gaming experiences/taste?

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