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4 days ago

serGrey backloggd Heavy Rain

4 days ago

4 days ago

TayBeltane followed Aarooon

5 days ago

5 days ago

TayBeltane reviewed Luigi's Mansion 3
I love this game so much. Luigi's mansion had me hooked from the start, I absolutely love the satisfying gameplay and clever use of mechanics. This game was charming all the way through. While part of me was expecting more traditionally hotel themed floors, every floor was more clever than the last, and all my floor predictions came true but not in the way I was expecting if that makes sense. For example, I was thinking "there definitely has to be a swimming pool floor" and yes there was, accompanied by a whole fitness center to go along with it. While there were a lot of bosses, none of them were boring or bullshitty (gimmicky). They were all fun in their own ways and extremely satisfying to beat. I must say though, I enjoyed Hellen Gravely's fight more than King Boo's, it was challenging and definitely took a few times but it really made you utilize every mechanic in the game. The only complaint I have is Polterkitty was just extremely annoying (though I think that's the point) and gimmicky to fight, the window for stunning him was extremely short and didn't always work? But that's seriously the only complaint I have about this game. It was a super fun experience overall, I can definitely see myself going back to it as a comfort game.

6 days ago

6 days ago

serGrey published a list Devil May Cry

6 days ago

serGrey finished Devil May Cry
Видит Вергилий, я пытался.
Но грёбанные схроны в начале уровня и два жирных босса в конце - это смэрть. Я просто устал бегать. А спускаться в лёгкий уровень сложности я не буду.
В остальном игра прикольная. Побегать по готичным локациям под эмбиент. Боёвка +- может фана принести. С павуком было прикольно дратся. И с шакалом. Но когда появляются летающие мобы и боссы, то я сразу потерял интерес. Я в ДМС или как? Почему я должен бегать по карте и выстреливать нечисть из гранатамёта.
Сюжета ещё наваливают только под конец, до которого я не дошёл, но ладно.

6 желтых камней из 10

6 days ago

serGrey is now playing Saturnalia

6 days ago

serGrey reviewed Tabletop Simulator
тэйблТоп симулятор

7 выкинутых карточек из 10

6 days ago

6 days ago

TayBeltane finished Luigi's Mansion 3
I love this game so much. Luigi's mansion had me hooked from the start, I absolutely love the satisfying gameplay and clever use of mechanics. This game was charming all the way through. While part of me was expecting more traditionally hotel themed floors, every floor was more clever than the last, and all my floor predictions came true but not in the way I was expecting if that makes sense. For example, I was thinking "there definitely has to be a swimming pool floor" and yes there was, accompanied by a whole fitness center to go along with it. While there were a lot of bosses, none of them were boring or bullshitty (gimmicky). They were all fun in their own ways and extremely satisfying to beat. I must say though, I enjoyed Hellen Gravely's fight more than King Boo's, it was challenging and definitely took a few times but it really made you utilize every mechanic in the game. The only complaint I have is Polterkitty was just extremely annoying (though I think that's the point) and gimmicky to fight, the window for stunning him was extremely short and didn't always work? But that's seriously the only complaint I have about this game. It was a super fun experience overall, I can definitely see myself going back to it as a comfort game.

7 days ago

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