Please, stay away from this awful 'demaster' collection based on unfinished builds of the games.

Considering most of the franchise has a lot of ports with missing assets/problems, here are the best places to play it:

Silent Hill 1 - Duckstation, PS1, PS2, or PS3.
Silent Hill 2 - PS2, PCSX2, or PC with Enhanced Patch.
Silent Hill 3 - PS2, PCSX2, or PC.
Silent Hill 4 - PS2, PCSX2, or PC.

If you are playing the PC Ports of 2, 3, and 4 check PCGamingWiki for patches and fixes because they have some issues. If you are using PCSX2, make sure to download the latest nightly build, you can check youtube and its wiki for config guides on each game.

It's a unique borderline perfect horror franchise, don't let the bad ports ruin your first-time experience.

One of the worst games ever made, featuring a David Bowie pretty nice soundtrack.

It's groundbreaking in all patterns and shapes but holy fuck I hate this map, some enemies are absolute cancer and the physics based shit spindash and spin jumps are absolute horror to constantly pull off.

Saints Row 2 patch never coming out

For such a great concept, presentation and use of the Tony Hawk's formula I found it rather disappointing

Firstly, level design wise the game only has really 3 maps with very minor changes between them. They suffer from various problems, way too much open flat space, lack of ramps, halfpipes and rails to give the platforming more variety. Some levels have very open gaps in the middle and edges where you will end up falling because of the bad design and the confusion while dodging enemies, they end up just interrupting the gameplay.

For the weapons the biggest issue is the ammo carries over for every weapon, so there's no rotating weapon incentive, you may pick the one you think is best for each enemy, but that's it. You also have to reload after killing only 1 of most enemy types and for such crazy amount of enemies I found the weapons to have too little ammo to do this, like 2 shots? For a rotating grenade launcher? Really? This maybe would've been less of a problem if the levels weren't so open and flat as mentioned above.

And then there's the enemies, the melee type are a joke and stand completely still instead of chasing you, the ranged ones are fine until too much of them spawn and you have to dodge sniper fire, lasers and missiles, some being more obnoxious to play around than others, aimed at you at the same type making you spam the dodge button, there's also a boss which is repeated and offers no real challenge.

Lastly for a music genre I usually like a lot, the soundtrack was very lackluster and so was the sound design of the weapons and explosions, they feel like have no impact. Overall I think most of these issues are easily fixable and hope for a sequel to do it eventually.

The first and worst souls clone, don't bother.


Not gonna lie, the gameplay was torture, light gimmick became boring very early along with having to fight the ultra jank enemies, it didn't help that the game resets you equipment and downgrades your weapon and flashlight constantly and it helps even less that for me Max Payne 1 and 2 were some of the best action games ever made and going from that to this did hurt.

But still even with all that... the story is very stupid but Sam Lake writing is very endearing, even somewhat ludo kino I must say, by the end I really enjoyed the characters and the dialogue.


Can we get a mod TO REMOVE THE SQUEEZE THROUGH TIGHT CORRIDORS SHIT? I''m playing this on a SSD, I don't need this fake loading garbage that grinds the game to a complete halt.

They were all dead. The final gunshot was an exclamation mark to everything that had led to this point.

Borderline perfect game with legendary gameplay, great levels, an amazing artistic use of graphic novels as cutscenes full of personality, top tier dialogue and the probably the best protagonist voice actor ever cast.

The only mentionable problems are the auto adjusting difficulty not properly working on PC, abusing quicksaves might take you out of the experience a bit and stay away from the PS2 port as it is garbage. Also the much mentioned dream sequences even if problematic they serve a important role in the story, so I didn't really have a issue with them.

This game is amazing, compared to the first Castlevania it basically didn't age at all, save for the medusa heads still being cancer.

I get what happened, how this was made in so little time and the staff knew it was going to suck, how It used assets of one other (or more than one) cancelled games, and how the talented staff left before or during the development.

But with that being said, this is the WORST, they butchered Frank's character, replaced the voice actor and made him complete Mcdoofus. The gameplay is terrible, the new UI is awful, killing zombies here feels the most unresponsive of the entire franchise, the batman vision investigation is a completely idiotic new mechanic, the combo weapons don't have animations and you have to go through menus now instead of easy it was in Dead Rising 3.

There's many, many more problems but overall, don't bother even testing out this game.

It introduces some cool new mechanics like the weapon upgrade system, but overall it's a downgrade from Aria of Sorrow, the new villains are awful, the game is visually uglier, alot of the map layout design gets really annoying and some of its bosses are quite boring to fight.

Also please play the hack that removes all the touchscreen garbage, I would rate this game a 2/5 of how bad the touch magic seals are.