Birth by Sleep is a Kingdom Hearts game that I have really enjoyed from start to finish, having to playthrough Terra, Ven and Aqua's story to get all of those stories connected was something that I really like

And the Command Deck mechanic idea being introduced in the game was really fun to use, it's way more quicker and faster to understand with having to fully customize it in the pause menu, better than the whole card battle mechanic in Chain of Memories!

I remember discovering this game years ago when it was included in a demo disc on the Official UK PlayStation 2 Magazine and after getting to playing it years later, it was really fun

But one thing that really bothers me for playing through the whole game is the backtracking system for collecting the seven security cards to access the final level, that made replaying the previous levels very tedious

Kingdom Hearts 2 is by far one of the best entries in the whole series that is a literal emotional rollercoaster ride, god the ending made me tear up

While that I enjoyed Re:Chain of Memories, the card battle mechanics really had to ruin the phasing of the game, if it has gotten to the route of the game being a turn based RPG like Final Fantasy (the same devs that did Kingdom Hearts no big surprise lmao) and has gotten rid of the card battle stuff, I would be fine with it, but alas it was a fine game

This is not only the best action game, but also the best Devil May Cry game I've ever played!
I hope that Capcom can make a brand new DMC game in the near future after this, but hey we're getting the upcoming anime soon.

Well... it's Devil May Cry 2 alright!

Even though I haven't played the first Alice game (and yeah I know you can play the game for when you change some settings in the files for Madness Returns and downloading the original Alice game files through a website), I can now see why there is a cult following for the series, and I really enjoyed playing the sequel

Dammit EA, why did you have to pass the third game idea from McGee, even though you haven't even made a new game for 12 years lmao

After playing through this game and honestly... it ain't that bad as everyone says, but it could've gone a whole lot better (like not making it a ripoff to Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One and make it a lot like Battle for Bikini Bottom), but hey at least we have gotten The Cosmic Shake back in January of this year!

Dammit Moon Studios, why did you have to make me sad again

BIT.TRIP RERUNNER is definitely the definitive way on playing the original game, there are quality of life improvements sprinkled in, with some neat bonus content to unlock AND even having the ability to play the levels from the original BIT.TRIP RUNNER makes it a really great addition for those who hasn't even played the original.

My first time playing a Paper Mario game and I had a really fun time playing it!

I had a lot of fun playing this game, really challenging but damn it is satisfying, also god damn the game's OST is an absolute banger (especially Disco Necropolis)

Also Mr. Saturday's second phase can screw right off LMAO

This game makes you truly feel like a spider!

A game that let's you play both Season 1 of the anime and the Mugen Train Arc, with also having the show's art style and animation being translated into 3D so freaking well, makes it a really fun fighting game to playthrough from start to finish!

Ok at least it is a much better entry then what X7 tried to do and failed by making it into 3D, so thank god X8 plays like the previous entries, which are X1 to X6.

But one nitpick I have to say about the game is that why would Capcom really have to force you to play the game all over again in either in the Normal and Hard mode, just to fight the true final boss, why not just make it also available in the easy difficulty, simple as that.

But overall I had fun.