Holy Sh*t! I pushed this game off until just recently. Never gave it a fair shot, but boy was I wrong! I never expected to have this much fun, but Astro does an exceptional job at utilizing the Ps5’s features, while making it a hell of a good time. I Platinumed this (including the add on trophy’s). Please if you are a fan of Platformers, give Astro a shot.

Revisiting Sinnoh is always a blast. Platinum is peak pokemon. Upgraded Pokédex (More fire types especially) than its counterparts Diamond & Pearl. Soundtrack is Angelic, Pokemon designs are creative and detailed.

Not bad, not great. Having a tough time getting used to the battle system. The story and visuals are what are keeping me intrigued.

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Wish I could go back and play this for the first time . Perfect harmony of video game/cinema. Insomniacs Peter was going THROUGH IT . Sinister Six so hard !


This game is fun even when you are getting your ass kicked. Tekken never disappoints.

Captivating. Peak nostalgia on steroids with “Next gen”. One of PS5’s best looking games

Hours of fun, Yes im a Ken Main, wanna fight about it ?

I platinumed this game. Visuals are F**king amazing. My only complaint is the quantity of Suits. I’d agrue that this game deserves more flowers, ending made me tear up.

Absolutely loved this game! A great way to revamp 2D Mario. I played this from start to finish with my Girlfriend and we had a blast. The base game itself is relatively easy, but draws you in with new features/ power ups. This is simply a game that anybody can enjoy !