I like this game a lot
the music is really good and its gameplay loop is really fun to me

everything I like about the original version of the game is intact and it has more to it
art is better

pretty cool game I didn't play much of
I find the whole platformer rougelike deal pretty interesting though I'm not very good at it
the music is really good and the same can be said of the art

don't like this game that much though I've been told repentance is better so I guess I might try that someday

don't like this game very much unfortunately

I haven't finished this game but I remember liking what I played of it

I only got to watch the cutscenes since I don't own it on DS and instead only have its 1.5 + 2.5 Remix version that has no gameplay but I like the story

same things I have to say about the first game apply to this one other than the gameplay being wildly different though still pretty good imo

new favorite RPG
gameplay's very unique in such a way that it would be completely different or just worse on anything but a DS
music is great
story's really interesting to me
characters are really good

I like this game just as much as FortressOne, though I've certainly spent more time playing this one.

The only version of QWTF I've played, but it's very fun.
I prefer this to Team Fortress Classic, though that game's on a whole nother engine.

I prefer the QuakeWorld version of the game to this one for various reasons, but it's still Team Fortress so it's fun.

I really don't enjoy anything about this game, I'd rather play anything else with friends.