Incredibly fun and charming game, but a little easier than expected

Really fun platformer, feels nice to explore and find things yourself in a game where you're constantly rewarded for doing that

Difficult to get down at times, but when you do it's very fun to just fight things

Best balanced fighting game I've thoroughly enjoyed, has a load of things to learn about it after playing it for a long while

Fun platformer that's got extreme difficulty for those who really want it, haven't finished it all though.

Great stealth action game, part of a series I have thoroughly enjoyed.

Second favorite Metal Gear game
The controls feel natural, the story's tied for my favorite in the series so far, and the gameplay wasn't really as slow as I've seen other people say it is

Favorite Metal Gear game so far
Controls feel really intuitive once you get over how unusual they are at first glance, tied for favorite story, most codec conversations are optional but worth listening to, and CQC is my favorite thing in any stealth game

Preview of what seems to be a very fun and different MGS game than the others
Still, having what is practically a demo for full price at launch was a very bad thing

Shelved due to the fact that I'm playing the games in release order right now.
The game's a really fun stealth game from what I've played, I'm just not very good at it

Least favorite MGS game I've played so far, gameplay wise.
It's still an MGS game, so the satisfaction I receive from sneaking around is still there, I just don't find it as enjoyable as the other games.

Shelved due to the fact that I'm playing the games in release order right now.
Been spoiled of a lot of story elements, most of which I really dislike, though the gameplay really just feels like MGSV but less enjoyable.
Still, sneaking around in these games seems to be inherently fun so I can't complain that much about the gameplay.

First of a series of games I have thoroughly enjoyed.
Sneaking around in this game is certainly more fun than I expected it to be due to the top down format.
Haven't played that much of it, so can't really give it a thorough review.


Very fun and short game that I would highly recommend to anyone.
I like the characters in it a lot and the gameplay is pretty fun.

I would recommend this game to everyone.
The side content is loaded with fun stuff you can dedicate a lot of time to and the main game has a very good story and beat em up gameplay.
One complaint I have is that the gameplay felt a little repetitive and the bosses felt very tedious to deal with at times because of that.