i don't know if the puzzles were awful or the gameplay made them awful

like, wtf with the inventory

a game where I couldn't run has quite entertained me

It's possible that this may have been the most entertaining game I have played.

It's very clever that by the beginning they tell you to search for clues around the city without a clear goal because you end up searching for anything but the clues. This game is SO complete, every time I thought that was about all, it surprised me with a whole new set of stuff to do, and I surely have missed some. There are a bunch of pretty dumb and short substories, some of them were really hilarious and they all work really good, but the main story... OH boy! The plot and the characters were great and there were outstanding moments. I think it maybe gets too convenient in spots, but nothing too serious.

Really great game, for sure.

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First of all, the saving system was... horrible.

I loved exploring the world in the beginning from a FP perspective. Really enjoyable. I wasn't expecting anything too dense or thorough. The pieces of eight thing was annoying but it's okay. The problem comes when you have to walk through the forest, specially in Monkey Island. With this game mode it got really boring and even confusing. The third chapter was the most disappointing. You are the one who does the thougher job, who fights LeChuck; you finally get to be with Kate, Elaine and Guybrush on a ship and later in Melee Island and... it seems like they barely notice you. It feels like you are a viewer again.

I like new approaches to an universe like Monkey Island's. This one just didn't fully work.

Man I love stories about school drama

Some stuff may be stereotypical or not make sense, but it got me hooked for sure

my silliest mental breakdown

I liked the first game's atmosphere, but this one feels a bit weak.

Not really interested in the story

Puzzle game. Interesting. Entertaining. Not bad at all

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when I die I want to become a tree too

The beginning was mostly slow and boring. The kid was annoying for like the first four chapters and there was a moment where he was used to mess things up and create conflict in order to move the plot forward.

Towards the middle it gets better, though. In the second half most of the interesting and emotional stuff happens. It got me entertained. But I'm not sure of what to think about the final message the different endings give...

You can only fully enjoy this game if you don't take it too seriouslOH MY GOD WHAT'S THAT PLOT TWIST

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"In honour of your shit, lieutenant-yefreitor. Which you kept together in the face of total, unrelenting terror. Day after day. Second by second"

Outstanding. From beginning to end.

this game is half made