Sometimes ya just need a good weep

"There can be no difference between nothingness"

I love when we get quick and tight game experiences! A downright gorgeous game that delivers such satisfying moments. The progression didn't go the way I expected, which is always exciting in a game of this genre. It's surprising that more games haven't taken the "Portal" lesson in game length and impact, like this! Thanks Sheepyyy

I've just got Mario on the brain. I only list games I've "finished" on here, but I've played so very much of this game at this point, and I've never even considered what "finishing" it looks like. I've finished plenty of races though 😎

Hey now, hold on! I DID finish this game! Huh, who knew?

I don't care how long it's been, this game will always feel like a new game to me. So tight and stylish. It released well before I was born, but it was one of the first games to wow me as a kid.

Yeah this was a solid little experience! Slightly janky here and there, and combat was a bit meh, but movement was super fun! I sincerely hope this gets extended into a fuller game with some more polish, and story. The lore and worldbuilding introduced here was really getting me interested to see what might come next!

This was one of the only games that my grandmother and I shared an interest in, when I was a wee lad.

She Sega Swirled with the best of em.


For years it's been right in front of me, and I have played it many times, but... never once did I consider logging it on here.

Huh yeah, you know, I guess I CAN log this. How dare I overlook Pong. My shame is assuaged now that this relic of interactive entertainment is slotted into the annals of my finished games list.

What do I think of Pong? It's ok

I've catalogued every game that I've finished... that I could remember. This one eluded my memory for 4 years, but it randomly found its way back into my mind for absolutely no reason. I remember it being more fun than I expected!

I like it.

What, you ask, do I like?

The game itself, or the food concept it's referencing?

This, my friend, I shall never tell.

Where do I even begin? I am left wanting more in almost every way, and I'm so jazzed about it.

Some of the best movement I've played in a 3D platformer, and a genuinely unique setting with an overwhelming lack of ANSWERS. That's not a complaint though! Just... :ANSfdiajflkansgfla

I loved this game a whole lot. The powers and pickups you get are super satisfying, and I've never had more fun being a goat-bunny-cat girl.

WHOA Fynn sounds JUST like Croc!

An adorable N64/PS1 homage platformer, with unique level themes and a dream-accurate presentation the whole way through. So accurate, that it also veers into nightmare territory... which often brought it creeping into an aura of horror! The music really leans into this too. It fluctuates when you enter new areas, like you're changing the RPM on a record player. It's truly unsettling and fun every time.

The gameplay was satisfying for me, even if a bit clunky and at odds with itself at times. My only real issue was dealing with depth perception for some obstacles, especially in the ending, where frequent death felt unfair. Most of the game is forgiving and pretty breezy, so it didn't feel like the game was prepared to deliver on the ending it attempted.

All in all though, this was a pleasant and concise experience! In the midst of all the massive undertakings this year (Tears of the Kingdom, Baldur's Gate 3, Starfield...) it was a welcome and refreshing addition to my list of 2023 games.

Hell yep.

Raising the bar, breaking that bar, and forging a new bar with infernal iron.


Didn't expect to have another such girthy game so soon after Elden Ring, but here we are. Is it embarrassing to reveal that this is the first Zelda game I've completed? Should it be??

It's really good. I really wish we could go back into the game after finishing the main story, but that's not enough of a complaint to dock any stars. I can't find any reason to not give this a 10/10. Sheesh.

Also I fell in love with the bone horses and made a song about one lol

A cute lil 3 hour game that made for a very chill and satisfying evening to complete! Felt like a game that'd be great for young kids who are newly finding an interest in games. Gorgeous fantastical art style, honestly stunning boss designs... the visuals and atmosphere are the high point of this game, and they're a treat to behold. There's a scene with the whole world's landscape as a backdrop at one point, and I stopped in awe to inspect it thoroughly. The music is fitting but not anything too standout.

Sure it's a bit simplistic mechanically, and it doesn't have much depth to it, but I don't think it needs it. While it maybe could've made a more compelling experience if the gameplay was more balanced and challenging, I feel that the devs accomplished what they set out to do.

More than anything, this game gets me excited about the potential of this studio. If the art side of their next project is this good, and they up the ante on the mechanical end, they could have something brilliant on their hands.

Yeahhhh it's really good again. The pacing was a little rougher than the first one, and the story in here was much more complex and a little more convoluted. It feels like they could've split it into two games, and at points I'd wished they had, but in the end I felt like it worked well enough. The combat was improved and expanded upon, and the realms have never felt more alive and interesting to explore. Cooool game (it's icy!!)

Also, everyone please, look closely at the surroundings. There are SO many little critters and creatures just chilling in the scenery! My favorites were hermit crabs that used old Viking helmets as their homes. A heartfelt "THANK YOU" goes out to whoever wanted to add all these little cuties.