FUCK wasteland chase on hard mode

If i was rating this in terms of Flash game expectations i would easily give it a 5/5 and i can call it one of the best flash games ever.

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Just pure cuhrayzee hack n' slash goodness. This game just oozes so much style in it's gameplay mechanics alone. There's definitely a few janky gripes holding it back, such as the camera or enemies constantly spawning on high, unreachable places (probably to encourage deflecting their shots instead, but since deflections don't add to your combo meter they pretty much just end up interrupting the flow of combat). But other than that, it's a really solid hack n' slash game, with lots of replay value and a boatload of unlockable content.

Great game but fuck off and die whoever said the PS2 version was best, awful controls (steering, shooting constantly flipping between L1, R1 and O), pitch black lighting (specially on a CRT) and far more noticeably glitchy than the other versions. I had far more fun playing this vanilla on PC.

Two Beasts or Not To Beast!! is better

I was drawn in by the cute characters and the nice graphics, but all the potential for enjoyment fell apart after a few levels. Movement is slow, awkward and floaty, platforming that would feel basic in any other game feels ridiculously pinpoint, and not being able to attack enemies is a huge deal in latter levels. I don't mind games without combat, but if you're going to place enemies that push you off platforms to your death then at least give me some way to defend myself. This game was trash and a total pain to play.

I guess this leaves Croc as the only good 3D platformer on the Sega Saturn.


The lock-on and shooting mechanics are very satisfying and i would say they're above average for a PS1-era third person shooter, there's a few nice bossfights as well in the middle, but the melee combat is really broken (you can unironically just mash 96% of the enemies in the game to death with your sword while they're down, including Mannheim) and the final parts of the game are anticlimactic as shit. Still a nice PS1 game to play on a dark night, and definitely nowhere as bad as reviews made it to be back in the day.

The 2020's are the best time to be a furry gamer

Showed some potential in the first levels but was honestly disappointingly short even (if not specially) for a 1990 game, with the reason being, i assume, running out of disc space with the cutscene voices and CD music.
Speaking of which, why does the in-game music sound so weak? Like MIDI versions of the anime BGM but at really low volume

A nice and comfy building sim but Open Play gets a bit boring once you figure the game out. After creating a massive, rich and powerful city and conquering every other one in the world map there really isn't anything left to do, but to rebuild after disasters, offer tribute to gods every 2 mins, and waiting until you reach Iron/Steel age, which takes a LONG while, and the fact that you can't even leave it in the background since the game auto-pauses when alt-tabbing + having to manually offer tribute to gods makes that even worse. After a while you just have to create your own challenge. Still, i bet this game must have been a blast in multiplayer back in the day.

Kinda sad to say that the best Ranma 1/2 game to date is a puyo puyo clone, but hey, it's legit a lot of fun

The OG VRchat. Hell, i would play it over VRChat since i don't have a fancy gaming rig and VR headset.
PS: This game has been revived by fans, if you've played the original game, check it out! https://www.whirled.club/

8-9 years ago i would have rated this game 4.5/5. It's only become more and more of a disaster since Meet Your Match and I genuinely cannot enjoy this game save for a few shitposty servers playing stock maps.