This is like a perfect little brain activator, Brain Age style; however im not paying $10 to get rid of ads, no matter how fucking annoying they are constantly.

Islands of Insight is a game filled with a self boasted 10,000+ puzzles. These range from logic grids where you must deduce where black/white tiles go based on rules, gliding through ring puzzles, many perspective puzzles, memory grids, grids in which you must replicate a "song", glass mazes, a couple types of hidden objects, and other stuff. Overall there are officially 24 different types of puzzles, but the logic grids themselves have plenty of different rules to make them a game on their own. Most of them I find fun to do, while others I just ignored because I don't wanna expend the effort. There are also plenty of easier puzzles to do if you get pissed once puzzles get too hard, which I do! Morphic Phractic puzzles are fucking stupid and I never really tried to understand them. They are like kaleidoscopes, but you gotta twist and turn your mouse until you get the exact right visuals it shows you; just could not figure out how to operate it.

How does this game contain these puzzles? Well, with a pretty good sized open world. It's not like this world hold's 10,000 puzzles at once, no, they are on rotations and "reset" at set times. There are 5 biomes where you can travel around solving whatever puzzles you see, this sensation to me is like Saints Row 4 where you just get lost collecting the orbs. Its a fun flow state of going from puzzle to puzzle. To help you travel along, you get a Double Jump (!!!) and a glide that can last a long time. These movement options are so dope. Making a game fun to move around in is awesome!

These larger open segments aren't the only mode though, there are actual structured segments where the dev's put permanent puzzles to solve. These are the "story" that you go through essentially. The story to this game is like nothing, and I didn't read like any of the lore I picked up. Just kind of vague nonsense I think, but maybe it is good, idk!

This game is also a MMO, kind of(?). So this game is an online game (sadly for any offline wanters) and it is a very strange for it. Since it is online, you can see other plays wandering around doing stuff, which is pretty cute I guess, but there is no meaningful way for them to interact with puzzles/help each other. You can party with friends, but there isn't really an in game way for helping. Like you can't co-op puzzles together, but you can just like talk with someone in VC about the puzzle or whatever. You can also ping stuff like hidden objects or whatever to help people.

In combination with this game being online, there are a huge range of cosmetics to unlock through Mastery (experience). Every puzzle type has its own Mastery levels, and whenever you level up a puzzle, and when you level up 10 times like that, your total Mastery level goes up 1. This works like a "Battle Pass" in the way that every level gives you a reward (ranging from currency, lore fragments, and cosmetics). Whenever you do a puzzle you get XP and currency; and some cosmetics can only be bought by currency.

Currency can also be used on the skill tree. The skill tree mostly consists of perks that give you more mastery/currency the better you do puzzles (ex: do grid puzzles with 0 mistakes, or solve certain puzzles fast). The skill tree also gives you QOL stuff like a paint fill bucket for the logic grids, or a super jump to get to high places. You can do this super jump 3 times, then it has a 5 minute cooldown which is just asinine to me.

There are also mysteries you unlock that tell you vague descriptors of a place, and what you must do there. Like it will describe an area with a logic grid, then tell you new rules to use instead of it usually is. They are cool extra shit for people who wanna solve shit detective style.

Overall, I like the large variety of puzzles in this game, and I honestly felt like I did get better at the puzzles (up to a point). If you like puzzles, casually or more so, I really think you should check this out.

You know what, I fuck with the contextualizing of this game. I like the story of renovating a house, and the rewards of your actual gameplay is picking how to decorate the house. Pleasing visual style. The thing is, the main gameplay is fucking Match 3. Pisses me off, i dont wanna play match 3. You can also get some of the pin pulling games, but not often enough I say!

I didn't see like any ads in 40 minutes so that was really good, but still annoyingly mobile game-y. If this was just like not a mobile game and had more than match 3, I would fuck on this.

Can they make Arcade Zombies again or am I just gonna have to suffer

It's fine, I thought it was kind of fun, but I didn't really ever need to switch up my deck builds so it became repetitive.

I do not like how when you move from side to side, you are locked in lanes and don't have free movement, does not feel very good. Also just no good onboarding experience just jump right into the game and expect you to know whats up (i did not). Zavok clears though.

I got this game because my friend found it and 1.) The name is funny and 2.) the steam trailer makes this game look fucking awesome (funny awesome)

Endless Fucker is a endless runner where you play as a naked girl. The funny part about it to me is that you can only look at them from behind, cause if you try to rotate the camera to see boobs or what have you, you will immediately careen off the stage. Speaking of stages, there are 6 of them, barely. Its all the same line, but the obstacles will be more plentiful, and the aesthetics (snowy, lava, jungle) will be different. They are randomly placed and will often be placed in bad ways in which you cannot really dodge at all and die.

The point of this game is to endlessly run, and to collect crash bandicoot crystals. The crystals will buy you more girls to play as. There is also an alternate mode, the sex gallery. You can collect a certain amount of sex positions per stage, then buy the rest. Then you can select any of the wonderful woman you have bought and watch any sexual position you want on any of the stages!

Also, the money doesn't fucking matter because the game let me go into the negatives so I just bought everything I could.

I like marble games up until the levels actually get complicated, but its fun for me until then.

Played 2 missions and it crashed, kind of killed my drive. Went back to try out Zombies and it's a separate install I didn't know about because it doesn't let you download it before hand.

This is pretty dope for 20 minutes, i dont got that drive to play it more

Probably my least favourite of their games so far because part of it revolves around just walking around the map until you happen upon things and a trigger happens.

Godfist is a roguelike in which you must climb a tower to get revenge upon the Gods for killing your family. Entities in this tower are in the Gods' Domain, so they are immortal (including you), so the only real way to defeat enemies (and to lose) is to get knocked off the tower. This leads to health being calculated like Smash Bros. with a percentage meter showing how much knockback you will take.

You can either inflict damange with basic punches or with special abilities assigned to Q, E, and R. These abilities randomly roll into another one once you use it. You start with 3, and get more through chests that will add more to your pool. I think this is a fun enough premise, but the problem I'm having is that the combat isn't very interesting enough. Spam your basic bunches to (slowly) add percentage on, or spam your abilities (and the starting abilities do not feel particularly good).

Overall I think this game just needs more oomph to be good.


I cannot really tell what this game is. It says its a roguelite, but it's also an MMO? I don't really have a full grasp on it because I only played a little. I think this game just has no onboarding so you just have to figure out whats going on yourself.

Generally passable cart racer, but there are definitely better. I did quit immediately when I somehow got lakitu'd and lost my held items so I went too far in the back.