The only thing I remember about this game is that it had Michael Kenneth Williams for some reason. I don’t even know why I own it. I’m pretty sure I played like 2 hours of the campaign and never touched the multiplayer.

Can’t say I didn’t have fun with it at times, but let’s not pretend like this was a good game.

I don’t know what game these reviewers were playing but this is good at best. The time loop mechanics are interesting, but you eventually realize that there’s not very much freedom with how you solve it. I find it clunky to play and isn’t as satisfying as it should be. The story is told almost exclusively through reading notes, and why would I do that when I could go kick a guy off a cliff.

I would love to continue the weird story but a man can only deliver so many Amazon packages

I never have any idea where I’m supposed to be going but once you stumble your way into a boss fight you’re treated to some of the best enemy design out there. Except Micolash but we don’t talk about him.

As soon as your friends get tired of it, the odds of finishing it plummet.

As long as you can put up with a dick joke every 10 minutes and spending 40% of your time looking at gun stats in a menu you’ll probably enjoy this.

A pretty average game in a pretty average series.

The Call of Duty known for being the one that everyone forgets about. The only thing I remember is that the single-player mode had a dog I think.

A game that I put way more time into than I ever expected to. Multiplayer and Zombies modes both got a lot of time. Felt slightly better than the average cod game. Never bothered with the single-player mode and probably never will.

Somewhere under the mountain of bugs I experienced when this came out is a good game, but this was the first time I ever gave up on a game from how buggy it was. Some day I’ll give it another try but I have nothing but bad memories from this thing.

In hindsight, this was a pretty flawed game that didn’t really deliver on what it promised, but I genuinely enjoyed the many hours I put into it.

Bought this thing way back when it came out knowing nothing about it. Tried it for a few hours and it just did not grab me in any way.

Nothing has ever or probably will ever hit me quite like Skyrim did the first time I played it. I had never played anything like it before. It’s by no means a perfect game, but there’s something about it that has kept my interest for over a decade. I had been playing video games for most of my life up until Skyrim, but Skyrim is the reason I still play them today.

The first and only Far Cry I’ve played. It’s a Ubisoft game and suffers from the same issues a lot of those games have, but in those games you can’t fight a rhino with a rocket launcher.