No piece of media has ever left the emotional impact on me that this game did. Joel and Ellie’s story is one that everyone should experience at least once.

Any game with a protagonist that can shoot stuff out of his hands and is voiced by Troy Baker is getting a good score from me. The karma system isn’t used as good as in the originals, but this game still looks and plays fantastic.

What the game lacks in story, characters, and traversal, it mostly makes up for in its combat which is endlessly entertaining. The world and lore of Horizon are interesting, it’s just a shame that it doesn’t fill that world with interesting characters, Aloy included. Ultimately though, that’s the last thing on my mind while I’m shooting an arrow into the face of a robot dinosaur.

The racing feels great and there’s a decent amount of cars to collect, but there just isn’t enough to keep you wanting to come back.

Easily one of the best games of its generation. Not only does it complete reinvent the series’ combat in a way that feels like an improvement over something that was already great, but it told a story that was, and still is, the best the industry has to offer. A rare example of a developer taking a massive risk with an established IP and it paying off in every way.

Doesn’t do much to change the God of War formula up, but it still plays great to this day and meets the standards set by the first two, which is a high standard to meet.

The first and only Far Cry I’ve played. It’s a Ubisoft game and suffers from the same issues a lot of those games have, but in those games you can’t fight a rhino with a rocket launcher.

Nothing has ever or probably will ever hit me quite like Skyrim did the first time I played it. I had never played anything like it before. It’s by no means a perfect game, but there’s something about it that has kept my interest for over a decade. I had been playing video games for most of my life up until Skyrim, but Skyrim is the reason I still play them today.

Bought this thing way back when it came out knowing nothing about it. Tried it for a few hours and it just did not grab me in any way.

In hindsight, this was a pretty flawed game that didn’t really deliver on what it promised, but I genuinely enjoyed the many hours I put into it.

Somewhere under the mountain of bugs I experienced when this came out is a good game, but this was the first time I ever gave up on a game from how buggy it was. Some day I’ll give it another try but I have nothing but bad memories from this thing.

A game that I put way more time into than I ever expected to. Multiplayer and Zombies modes both got a lot of time. Felt slightly better than the average cod game. Never bothered with the single-player mode and probably never will.

The Call of Duty known for being the one that everyone forgets about. The only thing I remember is that the single-player mode had a dog I think.

A pretty average game in a pretty average series.

As long as you can put up with a dick joke every 10 minutes and spending 40% of your time looking at gun stats in a menu you’ll probably enjoy this.