As soon as your friends get tired of it, the odds of finishing it plummet.

I never have any idea where I’m supposed to be going but once you stumble your way into a boss fight you’re treated to some of the best enemy design out there. Except Micolash but we don’t talk about him.

I would love to continue the weird story but a man can only deliver so many Amazon packages

I don’t know what game these reviewers were playing but this is good at best. The time loop mechanics are interesting, but you eventually realize that there’s not very much freedom with how you solve it. I find it clunky to play and isn’t as satisfying as it should be. The story is told almost exclusively through reading notes, and why would I do that when I could go kick a guy off a cliff.

Can’t say I didn’t have fun with it at times, but let’s not pretend like this was a good game.

The only thing I remember about this game is that it had Michael Kenneth Williams for some reason. I don’t even know why I own it. I’m pretty sure I played like 2 hours of the campaign and never touched the multiplayer.

I played this for like 20 minutes and haven’t thought about it since.

I remember liking this at the time, but I’ve grown as a person since then.

Even back when I thought these games were good I remember being disappointed with this one. The recreation of Paris was pretty cool, let’s be honest.

Everything that is bad about this game is because it’s an Assassin’s Creed, everything else actually pretty fun.

Everything that was good about Spider-Man 2018 is here. It feels more like a dlc than a standalone game though, and there’s not a lot of new ideas to justify its existence. You do get a cat that you can carry in your backpack though so maybe I’m being too harsh.

Gameplay is Returnal’s biggest strength, and it leans on it heavily. It’s always challenging, rarely ever letting up, but it never feels unfair. The story isn’t the main attraction, but it’s told in an effective way and creates an unsettling atmosphere that enhances the experience. One of the most underrated PS5 titles so far.

While the animation and graphics are exceptional and the gameplay is fun, the story is forgettable and it’s over too quickly.

I didn’t think it was possible to make the performances any better, but the modern graphics and animation take what is already one of the best games ever made and brings it up to, and even a little ahead of ,modern day standards. If you haven’t played this game at this point, what are you even doing?