This game is... something... The gameplay is fun,the story confusing but its written by sam lake what did i expect lmao,playing this after playing alan wake 2 really sets up the "connected " universe thing everyone is doing nowadays but honestly i think remedy has something with this,hopefully control 2 is much better,the only factors that i found profoundly interesting is Ahti the janitor,and Dr darling. Ill tell ya, that "take control" level,i want more of that in future remedy games.

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A step up from the last game,the game always keeps you on your toes,the new mechanics with the mind place and writers room is genuinely the best feature,along with light switching scenes,just great. The map and puzzles can get confusing to the point where if ur running from something its probably gonna take you a few tries to get it right. Other than that the story is great, Alan,Saga,Casey,great performances,oh and the soundtrack rocks Poets of the fall dont miss with remedy.

We waited a while for it but here it is,story wise the game is ehhhhh at best,not bad,but playing it safe mostly,the gameplay is plentiful,theres so many moves,weapons,monsters,diferent types of mini games,its just insane how they made this game with so much content,and yet story wise it falls short,all in all the game is one of the better ones i played in recent years,i probably got my hopes too high.

Odyssey if it was made to look like legend of zelda

The fact that a small ubisoft studio,with a limited timetable menaged to make something so much more enjoyable than a game developed by the whole company which is crazy to me,goes to show what can happen when u give a studio its freedom to make something.

God this game was so fun as a kid

They really did a good job with this game.

Genuinely the best watch dogs game,they could've done a better job with the story but it really seemed like they tried this time.

Roger craig as batman was a pretty good choice,all in all the game is solid