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6 days ago

SomethingFunny reviewed Everhood
First of all, to answer the question “Is this an Undertale clone,” I’ll say no. Gameplay wise, it’s nothing like it. Everhood is by no means an RPG, and is much closer to an action rhythm game, with evasion-based gameplay in time with the music (which slaps). The gameplay is extremely fun, with tons of great boss fights and unique mechanics.
However, the part of the game where I definitely understand the Undertale comparisons is the story. The story wants to be Undertale really badly. It feels very confused about what it wants to say, and the narrative relies heavily on you caring about all the characters, which the player is never given enough time to do.
Another aspect of Everhood I was disappointed by was the art direction. Its quality is very inconsistent throughout; in boss fights it has a super unique psychedelic, colourful combination of 2d and 3d, but outside of combat the world just looks bland.
I know I’m being super negative, but there are still many aspects of this game I like. The fairy tale theme, the music, the boss fights, and some of the characters (Green Mage in particular). If anything, all the flaws just make me more excited for Everhood 2, because I get to see how they’ve improved on the formula.
I know I say this in all my reviews, but I still recommend it to anyone who’s interested.

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