An old school style JRPG, where all elements were good to really good but unfortunately nothing stood out as that one special element to make me love the game.

My favorite game of all time. All the solid foundation and polish that Zelda is known for, with a truly mature and unique form of storytelling in the three day time system. With a plethora of memorable NPCs whose stories you get to see unfold as they move along their schedule in a doomed world, it's the closest thing any game has to a living, breathing world that you come to want to save.

Having a blast playing through this game with my friends, a lot to explore and create in this backyard adventure.

Stellar atmosphere and a charming cast of characters keep you tolling through the harshness of life in a futuristic dystopia, looking for purpose and ultimately finding it in unexpected places.

A powerfully moving story, enhanced by stellar presentation, such as the way each character writes their text, to going on journey's through books. The village most of the story takes place in can feel like home by the end. Many branching pathways the character stories can go depending on dialogue choices, and the background options you chose.

My GOTY for 2022.

The bond formed between the boy and Trico is unlike anything else in gaming, a wonder of gameplay-story integration to connect to this majestic beast.


The simple act of holding hands is key to a bond between boy and girl that transcends their language barrier. With no HUD, no life bar, no button prompts, and no tutorials, Ico is the purest experience in all of gaming. You discover everything for yourself, with nothing to break your immersion. The castle the game takes place in is a character unto itself, your prison and biggest obstacle, with such a well thought out interconnected design.

A game absolutely everyone should play to open their eyes to the power of the medium for storytelling, a landmark in gameplay-story integration.

The greatest ensemble cast of characters in any game, with an all time great villain.

Even only having completed through the end of act 2, one of the best RPGs and games in general that I have ever played. Will likely end up as my favorite RPG ever and in my top 5 all time

A short and charming narrative adventure game about a small towns secrets, and tween friendship. A few delightfully surprising plot twists keep the narrative engaging enough as you test out the somewhat branching narrative paths. Overall, a very comfy and chill experience.

One of the most fascinating works of art in the medium. A mystery game that isn't one, as the mystery lies within the players perception of what the game even is, rather than one that exists inside the plot itself. Go into this one as blind as possible.

A brilliant and gorgeous short puzzle game. Takes place in a truly alien world, with no direct story, except that which you think up yourself from the visuals. Few but fun boss battles that help vary up the gameplay, and add a bit of tension.

The characters, world building, and combat are all great, amongst the best in the franchise. The open world and mini-games can be really fun at times, but can start to be tedious as you get into the later portions of the game. Like with FFVII Remake, the new additions to the plot really drag it down, especially during the ending. The game has a real issue at times with allowing big character moments the chance to breathe before rushing into the next plot point.

A flawed masterpiece, that could get better or worse in retrospect once the final part of the remake trilogy releases.