A tiny bit better than Canvas Curse, but it still has some design decisions that are EXTREMELY frustrating.

An adorable game whose level design starts to wear out it's welcome by the end of the 9 hours.

A fun little 3D minigame collection with a lot of charm that gets a little tedious by the end of the story mode.

This game rules, even if the mechanics are a little cumbersome at times.

I really wanted this to be a secret masterpiece, but I just wasn't feeling it. I'm just not a huge kart racer fan. The City Trial mode is a cool idea, but it's too chaotic to really be fun.

Very much in the same design space as Tilt N Tumble. The mechanics work eeally work, with one exception. Half a star cut for the swimming mechanic.

Pretty fun little puzzle game that uses the IP in a cute way, which is all you want out of a Kirby game.

So, y'know how Kirby kinda looks like a ball? And you know how breakout uses a ball??

Kirby makes so much sense as a little pinball guy.

This is a cool game that is in dialogue with past Kirby titles while still having great level design and a fun new ability (Hypernova).

It's an alright Fall Guys rip-off, with an adorable aesthetic.

Kirby and the Forgotten Land wasn't actually the first 3D Kirby?!

Game structure is basically "What if the part of boss fights where you don't have a power-up is the whole games?"

I just don't like this gameplay loop.