I would kill a man for Portal 3


Like the 3rd time I've played through it, first time I've actually finished it. It's only 4 hours long.

Love the ideas this plays with but I just don't find the gameplay particularly fun, and I don't know why. Should be ticking every box for my dopamine addicted brain but it just doesn't. Wish it went way further than it does, (shame Fez 2 went the way of the dodos), but at least we've got Tunic now, which is just a better version of this.

The steam deck warmup lap has been completed, now to run flight sim at max settings.


Enjoyed this when the puzzles weren't trial and error horseshit, which is like a third of the game, so...

Not nearly as perfect as I remembered it being; lots of horseshit. Cannot imagine the misery of attempting 100%. The final boss can suck my big toe.

Very good though five stars.

I got to mother brain, dipped for obvious reasons.

Side note: looks fucking gorgeous on the Steam Deck, love me some GBA pixel art.

Simulateously relaxing and complete horseshit, schrodinger's spyro.

It does baffle me that Rockstar made one of the most immersive open worlds ever, then completely threw it under the bus with an economy that sucks so badly you have to pay to make it functional.

Been playing this on and off for a while now and I've gotten to a point where I really don't care anymore. Yakuza Zero is brilliant for so many reasons, it's funny, weird, and has a great story, but it's primarily because that combat loop is just so fucking solid. That game is full of problems but I'll sit through hours worth of the most pointless errands going just to beat some random guy up with a bin.

Like a Dragon is the same thing but now if you accidentally wander into someone in the street you have to slog through the most boring turn-based combat system I have ever experienced. Absolutely no fucking clue why they made this change, everything else here is great but I do not have the patience to get to see it.

Lots to love here. Thought this was going to be a souls-like that was complete horseshit, but it turned out to be a hollow knight-like that was only complete horseshit in one or two very small sections. More games with fun combat and great exploration that aren't also hard as nails please.

Wouldn't be me, making a video review about a game I played?


2D zelda sucks ass come at me fellas

My brain releases dopamine when I clean dirty object and it makes nice noise when I do a good job.

Viscera Cleanup Detail is a game where you do chores but manages to disguise that fact with fun game design. In this game, it's just chores. I could be cleaning my room, I could be cleaning my car, I could be doing anything else and instead I'm cleaning digital objects until a nice noise plays.

Bloody relaxing though, side note: I need to book a doctor's appointment to check if I have ADHD.

Went in expecting a stripped-back Inside knock off and I got an Inside knock-off that I somehow enjoyed more than Inside. Gorgeous environments to run around, puzzles that aren't just trial and error horseshit, some really cool worldbuilding and atmosphere. Wears its influences like a badge of honour and builds on top of them to make something fresh that stands on its own. Really loved this.