It's an expandalone so it obviously isn't as large in scope as The New Order or Colussus, but I think the simplicity really works in the game's favour. There's no pointless story or a huge hub world to explore, it's just back to back shooting, and as a certified GAMER myself I quite enjoy unloading a machine gun into a group of Nazis.

The second half is definitely weaker, if only because the gunplay starts to take more of a backseat and gets less development. I loved that it got weird but I wouldn't be lying if I said the game peaked at the cable car fight.

The best Mario game and that's saying a lot

It's a buggy mess with a complete lack of polish in every conceivable way BUT, and this is a massive but; It's really, really, really fun. Respawn have such a talent for creating super-engaging gameplay out of fairly dull systems, nothing here is really that unique or interesting, but the way it's assembled together makes it consistently entertaining. Like for god sake, it made me, a whiny loser who could not give a single shit about star wars, give a little bit of a shit about Star Wars. That's pretty impressive.

Those wall running animations fucking suck though gotta be honest.

I adore Bioshock's art direction and atmosphere, the gameplay is pretty fun and the world is captivating, but I ran into the same problem I have with a lot of older games, I just get bored of them. 100% a me problem, if I was 18 in 2007 I would have probably beaten this 25 times.

2D zelda sucks ass come at me fellas

Still can't believe the fellas who made one of the most fun and engaging fps playgrounds ever then went on to make a game where the only challenge comes from how big the bosses' health bar is.

Has the depth of a kiddie pool and does nothing to justify its £70 price tag (4 modes, seriously fellas), but as a cute little extra on PS Plus it's fine.

It's like 5 hours too long and that's my only complaint. god damn what a game


Felt like they could have done more with the concept but this was cute.

As a hardcore gamer I related very heavily to the main character


I made a video about why this game works so well.

I've been hyped for this since it first was announced last year, and I'm happy to say that it.. mostly delivers. I really wish it went a little further with its concept (like an hour more would have been perfect for me), and one of the puzzles is unbelievably unintuitive and reminded me of the worst parts of The Witness, but other than that, this is wonderful.

Annapurna strikes again babey.

I didn't really like the gameplay and I still played it for 110 hours. If that isn't a sign of quality I don't know what is.

My first time playing this since 2016, something that stuck out to me this time around was just how well designed the world is. I played with the player map marker off and I never got lost, just because of how distinct every section of the map is, it all flows so well and is fucking beautiful too. There's so many tiny details in the world design that I just love. I do think it's a huge missed opportunity to not capitalise on it more, this could have easily been another 'A Short Hike' style game and it would have been amazing, but what you get instead is a decent story with some fantastic character writing. I could listen to these 2 talk for hours, their relationship is so well written.

I'm happy that the Campo Santo fellas are now at Valve and working on {presumably something cool}, but I am sad we likely won't get any more of these. Because despite this really just being another run of the mill walking sim, there's something special about it that I really love.

Bowser's Fury is fantastic. It's literally just the Odyssey DLC that everyone was begging for, there's so much charm oozing out of this tiny little game that it feels like a whole new experience. The actual Bowser's Fury mechanic kinda sucks but it's made up for by the best platforming playground Nintendo has ever produced, cannot believe that this is as good as it is.