So I walked away entirely unsure of what the devs believe and I still am but to me it's one of the most damning condemnations of cops and punitive criminal justice systems ever made

Okay my actual favourite puzzle game. Go in as blind as possible, go out with a new appreciation for life and learning

Okay so it is an excellent puzzle game and has some wild ideas but the creator is a pretentious ass and it's impossible to not see that pushing through into the game

My favourite tiny game, consistently makes me cry :}

It is perfect :)
No you will not complete everything, just quit when it's not fun anymore x

Look just go in blind but,, film clip detective game with incredible acting??

My other favourite puzzle game, but this time it's incredibly natural puzzles where your task is to understand a society

The best starting point if you want decent puzzles and classic controls

Probably the best starting point for most people

Just, don't worry about getting the best ending please

My personal fave crpg, though it is Flawed


Look it's my fave puzzle game, it holds up, play literally any version