Similar to games such as SOMA, The Turing Test seeks out to answer the question: "What does it mean to be human?". Unfortunately for TTT, the puzzle gameplay and limited environments create a boring package for the message it's delivering.

One of the greatest games of all time, and still hasn't been topped by Bethesda. Hard to put into words the pure joy and wonder childhood me felt wandering the Capital Wasteland for the first time. We can only hope for a remaster in 2024!

100% Completion Notes: One of the most fun achievement lists in modern RPGs. Directing you to different playstyles, secrets and lesser-known sidequests grew my already sizeable love of the game.

Played through and got all the trophies on PS5 after one of the larger patches came out. I'll save my full review for when I eventually play on PC with all the bells and whistles. I do recommend any CDPR or RPG fans to play this, it's worth your time!

A charming and often humorous adventure game that did not resonate with me nearly as much as Night School's prior game, Oxenfree. The same dialogue and relationship focused gameplay is found in Afterparty, but with a focus on humor rather than horror. You'll really want to be into the drinking and party/bar scene to get full enjoyment out of this game. Bang average adventure romp through Hell.

100% Completion Notes: Second playthrough to mop up achievements was an absolute slog. The jokes that did hit the first time didn't the second, and Afterparty lacks a lot of the cool little moments and easter eggs that Oxenfree delivers on additional playthroughs.

TL,DR: Play Oxenfree instead

Not the biggest fan of the art style or enemy design, but flipping and flying around the maps is very fun. Story is base level with some predictable twists. Kinda hard to follow. Average game with a fun gimmick.

100% Completion Notes: Collecting money(gems) and completing a handful of repetitive challenges in each area. Kinda boring.


Many, like me, have been fans of Supergiant since Bastion. Well here is their magnum opus, in a gorgeous, charming Greek mythology package. As a huge fan of Greek myths but new to the rouge-lite genre, this game served as the perfect introduction. The story was engaging and personal, the gameplay fun and somehow still varied. And the BUILDS. Oh man, scraping together an OP set of weapon augments, boons and upgrades while escaping the underworld was incredible. One of my favorite games of recent years.

100% Completion Notes: Most of this list is a challenging, albeit fun exploration of the game's challenges, builds, and characters. The only thing that rubbed me the wrong way was needing to wait for RNG conversations to pop between characters, having to do a run in between each convo to hopefully get the one I was waiting for.

Another excellent entry into the Fallout franchise that comes with a larger focus on gunplay and minute-to-minute action. These changes brought many detractors to the game, but it was a much much needed breath of fresh air for a game series whose FPS gameplay had been its weakest feature to date. With a renewed focus on gunplay and action, the RPG elements that many Fallout fans fell in love with took a step back, with more simplistic dialogue choices and less meaningful stat/perk progressions. Despite the falter in RPG mechanics, the exploration and worldbuilding is as good as ever, even if the factions' stories aren't quite as seamless as Fallout New Vegas'. A worthy entry to one of the greatest game series of all time.

100% Completion Notes: Standard Fallout faire for this achievement list, although I noticed a smaller focus on sidequest and miscellaneous exploration achievements, which are my favorite.

One of the greatest RPGs of all time, there's literally nothing that can be said about Fallout New Vegas that hasn't been shouted to the heavens and back already. A seamless blend of role playing, exploration, and FPS combat (which age has admittedly not been kind to). What still holds up as a unique achievement is the sheer freedom given to the player in determining the outcome of the game's stories, and how believable each and every faction's motivations and design feels. Some of the very best worldbuilding in gaming.

100% Completion Notes: Like all fallout games, a very enjoyable list that pushes the player to try different styles and explore the furthest reaches of the Mojave Wasteland. Except Caravan. Fuck Caravan.


My favorite sci-fi game and one of the greatest immersive sims of all time. The game is overwhelming with the amount of freedom it gives the player, and some of the unhinged ideas I cooked up to complete objectives were some of my favorite gaming moments. If you've never played an immersive sim or if you're looking for a top-notch sci-fi RPG, PLEASE do yourself a favor and play Prey.

100% Completion Notes: This game's achievement list sucked, flat out. The amount of missible and glitchy collectibles were mind-numbing. I did enjoy the different playthroughs with/without powers, but this was quite the grind.

One of the best narratives in gaming. In true Bioshock fashion, the gorgeous, cinematic introduction to the world of Columbia left my jaw on the floor. An engaging narrative that sticks the shocking ending, and serviceable FPS/RPG gameplay to get you there.

100% Completion Notes: I can't remember too much of the achievements in this game, basically just wracking up kills with different weapons and grabbing the collectibles. Nothing special.

Gorgeous music, gorgeous visuals, tight platforming gameplay, and a touching story about self-discovery. The intertwining of story and gameplay is very well done, and seeing the environment progress as you climb higher and higher up the mountain. Recommended for fans of Super Meat Boy or platformers of a similar ilk.

100% Completion Notes: The bonus levels are insanely hard, and I'm not too big to admit I had to use the assist feature on a couple levels. But still a fun, challenging experience.

The best mystery/detective game you can play. Please, try your best to get past the 1-bit monochrome graphics and dig into one of the best gaming experiences in modern memory. This game does the opposite of hold your hand, it throws you to the figurative wolves and expects you to rely on your own wits and intuition. The game is HARD, and many will likely get frustrated (I sure did). But the pure satisfaction when you finally get something right is a high I'm still chasing.

100% Completion Notes: Solve every mystery. Leave the ship instantly, without investigating a thing. Frame an innocent person. Excellent list.

My first foray into the Yakuza series I can safely say there is absolutely nothing like this game and (I imagine) series. The gameplay is straightforward beat-em-up action, with different fighting styles and plenty of environmental engagement. The story is where this game shines. A thrilling, twisting narrative that focuses on a young man's involvement with a Yakuza clan's plot. The dark narrative is counterbalanced by absolutely ABSURD side missions and minigames. A true delight that I highly recommend.

100% Completion Notes: If anybody's looked at the in-game Completion List in Yakuza 0, you'll know why this is one of my proudest 100%'s to date. Aside from a couple very frustrating requirements, the 100+ hours this game took me were fun throughout.

The greatest FPS of all time. Multiplayer and campaign were both revolutionary and launched Call of Duty into the behemoth it is today. 'All Gillied Up' is still the greatest single FPS campaign mission in gaming.

100% Completion Notes: Very fun campaign to playthrough on Veteran, and an extra special challenge in the form of Mile High Club.

A cartoonish, less bloated version of AC: Odyssey. In all seriousness, this is a cute take on the Ubisoft formula, but it's not much more than that. The gameplay and puzzles are fun at first, but even being scaled down from some other Ubisoft games, the repetitiveness shows. The voice acting and writing is a weird combination of cringey and entertaining, but I found myself rolling my eyes more often than not.

100% Completion Notes: Unfortunately, this is one of the few times where going for the completion degraded the experience. The issues of repetitive puzzles and combat (once you figure out the best moves) is worsened a hundred fold. And the DLC, UGHH, just the same shit with a different coat of paint. Even the one that changed it into an isometric ARPG, it's still the same gameplay.