A charming and often humorous adventure game that did not resonate with me nearly as much as Night School's prior game, Oxenfree. The same dialogue and relationship focused gameplay is found in Afterparty, but with a focus on humor rather than horror. You'll really want to be into the drinking and party/bar scene to get full enjoyment out of this game. Bang average adventure romp through Hell.

100% Completion Notes: Second playthrough to mop up achievements was an absolute slog. The jokes that did hit the first time didn't the second, and Afterparty lacks a lot of the cool little moments and easter eggs that Oxenfree delivers on additional playthroughs.

TL,DR: Play Oxenfree instead

Gorgeous music, gorgeous visuals, tight platforming gameplay, and a touching story about self-discovery. The intertwining of story and gameplay is very well done, and seeing the environment progress as you climb higher and higher up the mountain. Recommended for fans of Super Meat Boy or platformers of a similar ilk.

100% Completion Notes: The bonus levels are insanely hard, and I'm not too big to admit I had to use the assist feature on a couple levels. But still a fun, challenging experience.

The best mystery/detective game you can play. Please, try your best to get past the 1-bit monochrome graphics and dig into one of the best gaming experiences in modern memory. This game does the opposite of hold your hand, it throws you to the figurative wolves and expects you to rely on your own wits and intuition. The game is HARD, and many will likely get frustrated (I sure did). But the pure satisfaction when you finally get something right is a high I'm still chasing.

100% Completion Notes: Solve every mystery. Leave the ship instantly, without investigating a thing. Frame an innocent person. Excellent list.

A very welcome shake-up of the Assassin's Creed Formula. I personally think the shift to a more "Witcher-like" combat and RPG system breathed fresh life into a series that was seriously stagnating. Still couldn't give a damn about the modern day storylines, but as an Ancient Egyptian RPG, it works very well.

100% Completion Notes: Yeesh, this one sucks to do. So many little locations and objectives across a massive map. If I hadn't had an achievement race going with a friend at the time, I'm not sure if I would've powered through to get this one done. I hear Odyssey is even worse in this regard. Yippee!

Ahh, the beginnings of my favorite horror franchise. The first hours spent inside the puzzling Spencer Mansion are some of the best survival horror content in existence. Even though I have plenty of this franchise left to experience, it's reputation precedes it, and every entry I have played has completely hooked me. Even in this remaster, the graphics and gameplay show their age, but not so much to affect the overall experience. The cheesy dialogue and campy plot are counterbalanced by intriguing puzzles and genuinely tense moments to make an incredibly charming package.

100% Completion Notes: I've quickly realized that the Resident Evil achievement lists are some of my absolute favorites. Yes, it requires many, many playthroughs. But the challenge runs are so fun and varied, and the game itself so short, that this was a blast to complete.

A cartoonishly gorgeous walking simulator set in stunning Shoshone National Park. As someone who enjoys hiking and camping in real life, a walking sim set in a national park was right up my alley. The game presents an interesting narrative that blends interpersonal relationships and campy mystery themes, to general success. I was disappointed at some of the story reveals, but every radio interaction with Delilah made up for it. One of my favorite walking sims.

100% Completion Notes: An actually fun list that I haven't come to expect from walking sims. The list encourages you to explore the park and find plenty of fun easter eggs. The 100% definitely enriched the experience.

A touching, coming-of-age walking sim with just enough of a creepy/supernatural vibe to keep me engaged to the end.

This review contains spoilers

An excellent, unique indie horror game whose engaging dialogue system is its main draw. Exploring the intertwining relationships and backstories of all the characters was an adventure in itself. The narrative conclusion is satisfying, and definitely leaves the door open for the eventual Oxenfree II: Lost Signals. I enjoyed how the "spirits" were presented and the terrifying sounds they make via radio.

100% Completion Notes: A game where multiple playthroughs actually enriched the story and experience. Alex's passing comments about the time loop and the little hints that get dropped throughout were so much fun to pick up on. The "no speaking'" run was absolutely hilarious, and a great example of an achievement challenge run done right.

The peak of the Borderlands franchise, this game capitalized and expanded on the strengths of its predecessor, and put co-op looter shooters on the main stage. The humor (which might not hold up today) landed consistently, and the gameplay/rpg elements were fun and engaging. A gem of the 360/PS3 era.

100% Completion Notes: Hoooowee, this was one of the first games I was convinced I'd have to give up the achievement grind on. There are just so many RNG achievements. But luck ended up on my side, and another 100% was added to my collection. Aside from the RNGs, a very fun list that has you exploring the ridiculous world of Pandora from top to bottom. No regrets.

One of the OG collect-a-thon platformers, whose gameplay mostly holds up today. I'm not sure what it was exactly, but something prevented me from fully enjoying this one. Maybe it's because I never played this as a kid and as a result lack the nostalgia many others have. Still enjoyable, and I'd still highly recommend for fans of the genre.

100% Completion Notes: Fun and easy, collect everything and perform a few specific actions for the completion.

One of my favorite modern horror games, even without having seen any Alien movies at the time of playing. The AI of the Xenomorph is really impressive, and the higher you crank the difficulty, the scarier it gets. As good as the titular Alien is, some of the tensest moments were sneaking around rooms of creepy, uncanny valley androids. This game drips with atmosphere, and now having seen the original movie, I can say it emulates the setting and vibe incredibly well. The only thing keeping this game from a perfect 5 stars for me was the length. The environments and gameplay didn't differ enough to justify its 20 hour runtime.

100% Completion Notes: A very fun experience, however the aforementioned length issues were really exacerbated with having to play through again. The walkthrough I had looked through recommended doing the no death and hardest difficulty runs separately. When I eventually play through this again on PC, I'll definitely be trying both runs at once.

Riding the high of The Walking Dead's success, Telltale pivoted to the colorful, fantastical world of Fables. And boy did they nail it. The same branching narrative and split-second decision making that made TWD so engaging works perfectly with Bigby and the colorful cast of fairy tale characters. Excited to get the sequel a decade later!

100% Completion Notes: Play through the game, get all the achievements. I may have had to do chapter select for some different choices, but I don't remember.

I'm not sure why everybody calls this game a souls-like. In some loose ways (respawning enemies and dodge/parry third person combat), it is, but in many other ways it is more akin to an Uncharted-like 3rd person action. Either way, it's a very fun package that undoubtedly gets a boost from the Star Wars brand. The story was engaging and I loved almost all of the characters, excited for the second game to expand on this base!

100% Completion Notes: Having to run through entire levels again just to find a couple obscure collectibles or enemy types was brutal. This game would've seriously benefited from a more robust fast travel and map system (which I hear the second game thankfully has).

The greatest classic Assassin's Creed game, I don't think too many would argue. Improved and innovated on a very solid gameplay foundation from AC1 and become the blueprint for Ubisoft open world games for the next two decades. Hard to beat that.

100% Completion Notes: Fuck those feathers.
Aside from tedious collectibles, an enjoyable achievement list of unique skills and feats, and clearing a dense city map.

By this time in the Ezio trilogy, gameplay and settings were getting a bit stale for me. However, it does wrap up the best AC protagonist's story, and was the last time I was engaged in the modern world side of the story.

100% Completion Notes: Standard Assassin's Creed fare, collect all the annoying collectibles, get some creative kills, nothing too crazy.