i really disliked the combat :/ it bums em out because it might be the most beautiful game i've ever played

fantastic silent hill clone. freaked me the fuck out on more than one occasion

easily the best kirby game

"Relative to it's budget, [Dark Souls III] is the worst [game] i've ever [played]" - Rich Evans

i don't really like these games but i genuinely think it's about as good as DMC 1

possibly the most elegantly designed card game i've ever played. great stuff.

Haven't played any of the DLC but the base game is solid as fuck. one of the best metroidvania's i've played.


Remorse The List takes a concept and only goes halfway with it. but what is here is very enjoyable. I beat it 4 times for a video on it lol https://youtu.be/cl0qRGi9eug

actually scary and that's saying something. https://youtu.be/dVbrvaA2ojw (old video but my thoughts are the same)

legit one of the all time best shooters.