autocombos are lame but game's still fun

If you don't like this game you don't get it

loses a star for ramlethal being in the game

they don't make em like this anymore

dawg this is maybe the worst game i've ever played

fighting game for schizos

game kinda sucks but it has yohane so its actually a 10

Wonderful Everyday feels like an anomaly. The idea of an eroge visual novel that actually contains a powerful message about the meaning of life driven by classic literature and philosophical theories should seem completely absurd. And it is. But as strange as the concept seems, Wonderful Everyday manages to have one of the most compelling stories I've ever seen. Between that, a fantastic soundtrack, beautiful art and some of my favorite characters ever, this game is nearly perfect in my eyes. I say nearly, however, because it's impossible to review this game and not mention the elephant in the room - its disturbing content.
This is the main thing that doesn't sit right with me. While it can be argued that some of the game's scenes are important and have vital effects on the narrative, there are many more that have absolutely ZERO point to them. I get that much of it is meant to be disturbing, and for some scenes I understand why they opted to show them in such visceral detail. But for most h-scenes, all I could really think was, "why is this here?" Why have that story about the teacher? Why that scene with Riruru? What was the point of the desk? On top of that, the multiple rape scenes present in the main story are also included in the "Scene Recollection" menu, where you can re-watch any h-scenes in the game. Putting those clearly fucked up moments in there as if they're scenes to be re-watched for pleasure at any point just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Not all of the h-scenes are handled poorly, but quite a few of them do more to interrupt the flow of the game than add anything of value. This isn't the only flaw of the game but it's the most glaring one to me and kind of left me wishing this wasn't an eroge.
The game's issues are clear, and yet for as weird as they are I mostly found them inconsequential to my enjoyment of the game. I still loved it from start to finish. Even with the slow start, I liked how many questions were raised, and each chapter after left me excited to uncover more of what the hell was going on until Jabberwocky. So many chapters were full of memorable moments, and switching perspectives kept the story fresh. Chapter 3 in particular was my absolute favorite; the way reality is blurred all throughout the chapter both captivated and scared me at times, and the game somehow managed to make a weird psychotic incel into one of my favorite characters. It also has probably the most traumatizing scene I've seen in anything, so, take that as you will. Aside from the story, I feel the need to praise the soundtrack again. It's one of the best OST's I've ever heard, from the intro to the BGM to the ending themes.
It feels as though everything in this game has meaning. Things are purposefully left open-ended, yet the game gives you enough information to piece together your own unique meaning to what each thing means. Which in the end is kind of what the game is all about. You're not going to be able to know everything there is to know, so find what meaning you like.
Wonderful Everyday was not what I expected in the slightest. If someone had told me this game would hold such emotional value as it does to me now, I probably would have looked at them like they were crazy, like my friends do at me for me playing it. But the story and characters were so utterly great that I can't help but love it in the face of its problems. In conclusion,
Live happily + Yuki GOAT

late 2023 edit: Over time this has grown off me a bit, still stand by most of what I said but the torture porn really makes it hard to remember this as fondly. This game is like watching the best movie you've ever seen but every 20 minutes they splice in 5 minutes of Liveleak footage before going back to normal. There's a lot to love here but it truly is buried beneath a lot of horrid content, so keep that in mind.
All in all though I'd still say the overall story is worth the unnecessary psychological warfare this game puts you through. It's certainly not for everyone, but I know it had a powerful effect on me.