I only played a few levels and so far this might be one of my favorite 2D Platform up there with Sonic 2 and 3. This game is finally innovating the Mario series in a positive. The New series did good things but after Wii it really didn’t change up the Mario series. The artstyle and animations is GORGEOUSLY BREATH TAKING, it is so satisfying to look at. The game play is great, the implementation of the badge system adds to the replayablitly of the game and just makes it more fun. So far this is a 5/5 but it could possibly change through time.

The game is real fun especially if you have a party of friends with you. Getting all the guns and making a certain class for a certain play style is so much fun, however it gets repetitive. I recently bought it on steam and a lot of people say the console versions of the game is a lot worse than pc.

It’s Tetris but with lots of people at once. You play Tetris but you can throw your junk at who ever you want. Others also can do this too obviously, so that means you might get targeted by multiple or you might help others target multiple people. Sometimes it’s very difficult because you’ll have 10 different people spamming you with junk.

It’s a rpg trying to recapture the story of DBZ. That sounds cool but it is so repetitive and boring. The boss do the same super attacks making it difficult to close in. “Open World” no this isn’t open world this is open zone. You are not allowed to go where you want at certain times.

A step up from the first game but I still prefer the first. Maybe due to nostalgia. The open world was huge for me as a kid. And now these pieces of plastic could talk?! My mind was blown.

Nintendo did the bare minimum with this collection. And dare make this a limited release so people can buy it as fast as possible.


Was fun back then but everytime I come back to it, it feels worse and worse. The 3D parts are great and then you have these dreadful 2D parts. It’s not even using momentum it feels more Mario and sluggish then Sonic and speed.

This game kicked ass. Using the force in the environment to murder enemies was so cool. Saber combat was cool mixxed with awesome force powers you could use and upgrade. It did feel weird how the lightsaber didn’t actually cut through people. Somehow enemies were able to withstand it multiple times. I tried not to think about it but it really killed the immersion sometimes. Maybe one day we’ll get a Star Wars game like that but it’s hard to land attacks. And of my god the scenery in this game was great too. There’s a part where you literally grab a star destroyer with the force. That was so cool.

It’s 2D Mario. That’s it. If you want more Mario play it. It’s not bad just very generic for the time it was made.

Great game to waste time with. And it’s in your pocket.

This game is just boring. Had so much potential and a name to live up to. The story was terrible and I don’t even remember the details. I just remember not enjoying it. Multiplayer is alright but saber combat sucks. Some Jedi moves are just stupid like Rey being able to stop you from fucking turning. There’s also a lack of characters. You put Rey in this game but not Ashoka? I know it was made during the release of the “revival” of the series but even a bounty hunter barley anyone cares about gets in this game.

Classic game. But to be honest it’s not much to do. Once you get all the goats you’ll get bored.