Peak gaming. Peak platforming. Nothing else to be said honestly. Only game I'd rate a 10/10.

As close to peak as possible that isn't Galaxy 2.

Yeah I mean this is the one everyone likes and they're 100% right. Hard carried by how good the postgame is.

I did not expect to be as blown away as I was when I originally played this game. For being based on an NES game, it holds up remarkably well. Every new addition works so well too. I was initially hesitant of full voice acting but Fire Emblem wouldn't feel the same without it at this point, and that's thanks to how goddamn good the dub for this game is.

Also has one of the coolest postgame dungeons and superbosses ever imo. Had to grind for hours but it was so fun.

My first Xenoblade game, and a damn good one. There are certainly aspects of this game that are heavily flawed but I enjoyed the overall experience so much and it has some of my favorite moments I've ever experienced in a video game.

Oh also I didn't actually understand the combat until like 2 or 3 replays later oops

The original base XC1 is really good and this enhanced edition makes the two previous versions wholly irrelevant. Easily the best way to play XC1.

Oh also future connected is here and it certainly is the epilogue to xenoblade chronicles

I initially thought following up XC2 with a prequel wasn't a great idea but this game, for as short and sweet as it is, still manages to contend with the best this series has to offer. My only criticism is that there's MASSIVE padding with the community ranks being required to progress, and without them the story would be like, 10 hours max instead of 20. Still great though.

Xenoblade 3 is really, really, really good for the majority of its runtime and feels like the culmination of everything Monolith learned from their previous games and has possibly one of the single best sequences in the entire series in CH5/6 and has so many loveable and memorable characters and then falls off in like the last chapter hard. It's not like it's terrible or anything but man I really hope for the sake of the story that the DLC is an epilogue (and is also good). Still a fantastic game overall.






click off the review.

Ace Attorney 1 is really good for it's time but also after playing the rest of the series is kind of tame by comparison. 1-4 and 1-5 are still great though.

JfA has 1 good case, 1 mid case, and 2 outright bad cases. The only thing keeping it from being the worst in the series is the fact that the 1 good case is straight up one of the best in the series.

Yeah it's pretty good. 4 really solid cases and 1 kinda iffy one is pretty good for this series. 3-5 is really good but it's definitely a bit overrated too imo.

A really good first and last case carry this game, because the middle two are really, really boring.

Investigations' gameplay is actually more fun than mainline AA but this game doesn't really do it justice because every case in this game is painfully average. It's enjoyable seeing returning characters in this fashion but other than that there really isn't much interesting going on in this game.

BY FAR the best AA game. It's absolutely insane going from AAI1 to this. Some of the best new characters, returning characters, and cases this series has to offer. The only game in the series where I can confidently say every case is fantastic.