Best fighting game I have ever played when it came out.

I also spend two decades playing this serie in high level competition across Europe and Asia, which allowed me to make close friends that I still keep until this day in my life.

One of the best J-RPG ive played. (and OST as well)
Some of the dreams stories are still so vividly clear in my mind, this game really touched me.

Great action RPG, but the constant feeling of being in a service F2P (Gatcha system, daily challenge, ingame promo message etc) unfortunately ruined the immersion of my adventure.
If the game was a "pure" single player adventure you pay upfront with DLCs, without gacha system and all typical "service" game feature it would have been excellent.

I guess its simply not for me, but the qualities of the game itself are there for sure.

Won it in a bet with a classmate by lighting fireworks in my pants. (true story) Ended up playing it all summer with my best friend, and a fresh burning mark next to my junk.

Excellent AAA game. Absolutely top tier in ALL aspect of a video game. When it came out it felt it was 10y in advance to all the industry.
Gorgeous game, excellent Open world and great gameplay.
Story very solid and one of the most immersive/realistic game ive played.

Took me 20+years to realized he was saying "Power Up" and not " AIIIWEUUU-AH"

One of the best with Aladdin, but GOD IT WAS HARD AS HELL especially at 9yo.
I guess Disney was officially my first digital bully as a kid.

10yo me played it till my gamepad died with every single friend I had, but we never finish it. And somehow we were also never bored or frustrated.
A classic of the BTA genre.

6yo me : " I dont know wtf I'm doing. But I will keep doing"

One of the best J-RPG ive played in my childhood.
I pray for a remake one day and share the adventure with my kids !

A Game that changed the industry.

I wish I could have recorded my face as a kid the first time I saw "Super Sonic" changing into a SSJ.
It would have become a famous meme.

My favorite platformer of all time !
Finished it more times than I could count.

God tier 16bits OST, gameplay and stage journey.

Legendary game, the best A-RPG of the 16bits era.
Amazing gameplay loop and precursor of a lot of modern game. A must play for any retro enthusiast or anyone, really.

A must-play for any Zelda fan.
Very attractive story based on Japan folklore, excellent gameplay loop, visually gorgeous cell shading when it came out and very solid fight system by Ex-Clover Studio (Platinium Games Founders)