Cool ass game. Definitely deserved GOTY

Obviously aged, but God is the gameplay loop satisfying. I just wish Rockstar would make either a sequel or a remaster, but I doubt it.

I felt catharsis beating this game for the first time when I was 11. Easily one of the best Valve games, and much better than the original.

A really good game. Looks like a flash game but plays super well, has pretty deep mechanics. Wish the ending was harder, I was promised and prepared for an onslaught. Might just need to play on a higher difficulty next run.

Less than ok. Takes super long to get through each part, and the city management (which is the main bulk of the gameplay) isn't really that fun. I always reach modern times before just getting bored.

Not a Pokemon clone. The fights are fun enough, and can even be tricky at times, though my main draw has always been the reviving process. The story is surprisingly kinda good. It's cheesy, no doubt, but there are some genuinely cool/interesting plot elements and character moments.

I have replayed this game dozens of times, which is strange because it's not particularly fun, but there's just something appealing to me about it. Might just be nostalgia. Story's corny, though I like how it ends. Pick Pachirisu as your partner and the game is a breeze.

Your favorite pokemon game will always be the one you played when you were 10. And hey what do you know, this is both the only main-line pokemon game I've played and the one I played when I was 10 or 11. Upon revisiting, it's good.

Some of the best swordplay of its time, and yet the game punishes you for using it too much 😔 The stealth is still fun, and the world is interesting. Definitely a must-play

Fun game, fuses combat and parkour into some pretty satisfying gameplay. Starts a bit slow but gets to be super fun around the time you start getting moves like the dropkick. "Dead Island done right" is the cliche thing to say about it but I'll be damned if it's not accurate. Story is typical but still pretty good, though some of the voice acting is too cheesy.

This game is like Taco Bell: Shit quality, and will fill you with regret, but it scratches a spot. One of the most poorly optomized games I've ever played. The game is rife with glitches and loves killing you in unfair ways. But it is incredibly fun regardless, and you can log hundreds of hours in it easily.

Just a super fun FPS game. I always liked how the Battlefield series played.