If digital fentanyl existed this would be it.

This game made be realise im a horrible gambler

The climbing is innovative, immersive and unique. But for a game which revolves entirely upon climbing it lacks any struggle or difficulty. The game literally handholds you by giving a rope when you climb which leads to no consequences when failing a jump or missing your climb.But its worth playing the 4-5hours it will take you to finish.

This is my first horror game. I was extremely scared for around 3~ hours but after that i wasnt scared and i lost a lot of interest. I kept going since the story and combat kept me in.

Extremely disappointing that Bethesda shutdown Tango. They did not deserve to be shut down Hi-Fi rush is my first rhythm game and I absolutely loved it,Tango clearly put a lot of love making the game like how everything is synchronized to music its a amazing detail. Hope Bethesda reconsiders the shutdown

This could have been a five star but unfortunately even a year later the game has performance and substantial crashing issues. Technical problems aside there are some major flaws in the puzzles a lot of them are just annoying, Some missions are dragged out too long needlessly and have repeat puzzles.The Story is a solid 4.5 it improved upon the orginal and has set up a intriguiging tale for the next game.