117 reviews liked by Stretch_McGee

Look, it's Mario. Super Mario Bros. holds up very well and isn't going to age much more than it already has. It still controls quite well and has a nice difficulty curve. The only part of the game that doesn't hold up in my mind is the couple of castle levels that are trial-and-error mazes.

Is this the best NES game? It might be. A huge increase in scope from SMB1. Differently themed worlds, tons of unique mechanics, power ups, suits, special stages, boss fights, and secrets. I can't really find any faults in this game.

Castlevania is a series that I ignored for a long time. It wasn't until around 2013 that I actually started playing them, but I was surprised to see how much I like the first Castlevania. I am too smart for the Medusa heads to get me.

This is the NES Mega Man I've played the most. It was the first one I owned as a kid and so it was basically the only thing I played for 6 months. I think I still have some muscle memory for this game despite not playing it for at least 20 years.

Previously I said that I think Super Mario Bros. 3 is the best NES game, but I think Kirby's Adventure comes extremely close. Really late release in the NES' life, but also one of the best designed and best looking. Love the music, the graphics, the Copy Abilities, the little story, everything. I think the only thing that's a little annoying these days is that you drop your Copy Ability every single time you take damage.

A very simple game that's also incredible iconic, at least in the States. It was one of my favorite games as a kid simply because it was the only game that all of my grown up family members would actually want to play with me.

It's a simple game that asks for near-perfect execution of its mechanics. Another game that was actually popular with the adults when I was a kid. Still have yet to beat it.

A big improvement over the first game, I think. Incredible soundtrack that does some crazy stuff with the SNES sound chip.

One of the best SNES games, one of the best Kirby games, one of the best games ever. Love the look of the pre-rendered assets, love the variety of game modes, love the music and the expanded move set of all the Copy Abilities. Introduced a lot of iconic Kirby things, including Marx.