You know, this might just be the best of the classics all things considered, but the Mega Man 2 groupies will never play anything else so the world remains unconvinced.

This box art is the stuff that inspired me to keep drawing dumb shit for the rest of my life.
Like, Rock isn't even looking at Gravity Man's lightning beam or his stupid stomach gauge, man is running forward MID-PARRY saying "nah bitch, get that weak ass shit outta here, not worth my time", I love it

Snake Man's power of shooting snakes is so damn funny, like of course but also wow

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I think Alyx getting impaled and bleeding out was the first time I started pacing back and forth over the well-being of pixels associated by audio.

I'm still waiting for this to come out. Cinematech on G4 said it would.
They said it would...

The only competitive shooter that didn't put my fist through the keyboard.

If Sony got their collective shit together about what to do about this gold vein that benefits the players just as much as their pockets maybe I'll write something relevant to how fun it is.

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Listen to Frank's 236L, funniest shit ever.

Nobody would ever mention Galactus' incorrect death scream, I felt like a conspiracy theorist.

They really made Lobo trash but it doesn't matter cause Grundy is the best grappler in fighting game history.

Hey, it's that game Sony gave me on the house for letting my data get stolen.

Sony told Santa Monica to keep going after they emptied their sack five times, what the hell was I expecting