One of the best superhero games. Batman Arkham derived combat, great swinging mechanics and a concise story to wrap everything together. Relatively easy 100%.

80s John Wick. Very brutal in both presentation and difficulty. Great for highscore hunters.

Walking sim-esque story adventure. Themes of mental illness. One would call it "artsy". Play with headphones.

Cute 3D collectathon platformer. Playing through the main levels was a joy, plenty of movement options and potential for 100% if that's your thing. Great OST. Not the most optimized with not few crashes on Alt-Tab on PC.


Hands down one of the best roguelikes/roguelites ever made. Incredible art/sound direction, crisp combat, adjustable difficulty makes for great replayability. Story is weaved in the mechanics of the game and the character cast is amazing (a really creative take on the Greek pantheon). Definite recommend.

Too laid-back/whimsical of a view on the GTA formula for me. Main story is alright, lacks the punch some of the older games had (especially GTA IV). Avoid multiplayer like the plague.

God of War with a new coat of paint set in the Nordic mythos. Polished combat, nice but somewhat forgettable story. Tries to deviate from the constant blood shower that was the older games, does a decent job. Not much to do post-game. I'd recommend playing the original trilogy first.


Old school high octane FPS meets modern fidelity and QoL. One of the best videogame OSTs without a doubt.

Began one of the best superhero game franchises of all time. A little dated, incredible combat and decent stealth. Basically an amusement park ride with Batman villains as attractions.

The penultimate salt mine of a game. Personal advice: stick to normal drafts and play with at least 1 more person. Avoid ranked like the plague.

Great electric guitar/bass learning tool. Interactive tab that lets you slow down/repeat sections, cool minigames, a surprisingly in depth tone modeler and a session/jam mode make it an incredible practice tool. Get RSMods and a sound card.

Remaster of the Playstation 3 Uncharted games. 60FPS is a godsend. Definite recommend whether you want to replay the games or getting into Uncharted for the first time.


Great casual shooter fun with a not-so-serious attitude and a loyal community, though support hasn't been great in the past few years. Cheaters and bots abound. I wouldn't touch ranked. Tread with caution.

Open-ended survival sandbox that lets you do literally anything you want. Plenty of server options with various modes. Fun with friends, needs a lot of intrinsic motivation (and some game knowledge) to be playing regularly.

Tactical 5v5 Search & Destroy, one of the oldest eSports still being played today. A lot of salt. Solo ranked not advised. Don't move when shooting.